Someone fucking had the audacity to tell me that when I'm with them I make them feel like a whore. Bro ur obsession is showing.
Bitch you and I have nothing, okay? We aren't friends not in the slightest, and don't you fucking dare tell me I'm to calm down.
And fucking say okay, imma go to my brother aka the bitch who harassed me for my number, for advice.
Your just a fucking pussy ass bitch. Literally nothing to me.
I've ignored all the red flags, that's my fault, the shit you've said to to istfg.
"Yk I have so many pictures of you?"
"How I've only sent you a few"
"Oh from my brothers engagement I cropped those so they only have you, on eid you sent me some and some I just have"
Girl you're fucking twelve years old that's disgusting, and when I talked to your cousins you get pissy and take a picture of me, a girl who covers up, wears hijab and puts it in ur brothers fucking phone.
I'm beyond pissed that's actually fucking horrific. What the actual fuck is wrong with you, I hope you fucking read this.
You're a horrible person, I feel that you are beyond change.
The reason this bitch said I made her feel like a whore is because I talked to her family friend the whole of her brother's engagement party.
Well yeah, not shit Sherlockyou have like seven brothers roaming around, I'm not gonna roam around with guys wtf.
How many bloody times do I need to tell you, we aren't friends you talk about nasty shit all the time.
I don't bully people's appearance but you're fucking hideous.
Stop acting like you own me fucking bitch.
I need heavy therapy
SpiritualI'm gonna cuss this is mine grrr basically my rants and shite