The Note

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Dearest Sush,

I know that you are there, somewhere watching us, where, we as humans cannot reach.

I know you're not gone, you're there inside us, everyone of us.

Cause we, who love you can feel your presence inside us. Your love for us, we all can feel it.

We love you for what you are. Not because you're an actor/star/celebrity, but because you're an angel in a human form.

You fit in the definition of a human, a true gentleman you are.

But I miss you every single day, every single day I think about you, your thoughts make me realise how much of an intellectual person you are.

I know you will be there, everytime, will forever be there for me as a friend, as a helping hand, as a mentor, as a guide, whenever I'll need you but still I miss you.

I don't know why but everytime I feel like being around you, maybe because I love your presence, your presence in my life, my thoughts and every possible place.

Your presence makes everything so much beautiful, may it be my life or my never ending thoughts.

You're a heavenly blessing to mankind.
Manifesting happiness for you!


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