Chapter Twenty-Six

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Lilith couldn't remember anything else that happened. When she came about, she was back in a cell. She went to move but couldn't, it felt as if her limbs were torn apart and put back together. Her sight was nearly gone. From the immense pain throughout her body, it was hard to target a specific spot where the pain was inflicted. She went to look up but pain shot through her neck.

Lilith brought her hand to her neck and felt it was loosely wrapped, along with her arms, legs, and stomach. She noticed she wasn't chained. She dragged herself to the door of her cell and peered out, looking to see if anyone was there. To her surprise, she was alone. She looked around the ground to see if she could find anything to help her get out.


Lilith decided to drag herself to the side of her cell that was attached to another one. She skimmed the ground in the neighboring cell and caught a glimpse of something blue and shiny. She reached her pained arm through the bars in an attempt to grab it, success. She heard the squeak of the trap door opening. After quickly slipping the small shiny object into her wrist wrappings, she laid back down.

Lilith heard the door to her cell slide open. The blonde knelt down in front of her.

"Are you ready to go?" He said with a mad smile. As she thought, she was dragged to her chained spot. She waited for his back to be turned for her to get a chance to unlock the chains, just as Isabel once taught her.

'Now!' Lilith felt lightning and electric pulses course through her tiny body, adrenaline?

Before he noticed, Lilith was free from the chains.

"HOW-" The man started to talk before letting out a scream, Lilith jumped up and dug her thumb into his eye, blood sprayed out. She wasn't thinking anymore, her body was moving on it's own. "YOU LITTLE-" she noticed the blonde pull a knife from his pocket. He went to stab her but she dodged and doubled back, grabbing his wrist. He grunted at her grip. She kept a hold on his wrist and left her thumb in his eye. Before a reaction could be made, she used all her strength to push him to the ground. She sat on his stomach with his hand pinned to his side, the other trapped under his back. She was lucky he fell like this.

She removed the blade from his grasp and brought it to his neck.

'Don't give them a chance to react.'

Levi's words were the loudest in her head.

"Don't move." She growled, the man was petrified. He didn't listen and tried to get up.

"If you don't stop this right now, I'll go for him next! Oh to hear the screams of such a beautiful boy~ IT'S JUST TOO MUCH!!" She pressed the blade harder against his neck drawing blood.

"You don't seem to have much luck in making it out of here alive. If you keep talking, I'll take longer." Lilith slowly pressed the knife deeper into his neck.

He went to let out a scream, before he could finish his breath in, Lilith slid the blade across his neck. Blood shot out, covering her front. He went to cover his bleeding neck, but Lilith put the blade through his hand and nailed it to the ground. She sat on the blonde, watching him bleed out. After a few seconds, she stood up. Her body was almost limp. 'I have to get out before the adrenaline wears off.'

Before she left, she went near his face and looked down at his dying eye.

"I hated doing that, your eyes were so pretty," she brought her foot up and stomped on his face until it was no longer recognizable, "but I can't let you make such a disrespectful threat to him. A lowlife like you has no right to speak like that." Lilith stood up straight and faced the trapdoor, "besides, I can't let you do that, I want to see the sunset with him again." She walked back over to the table, grabbed the book in which the man wrote in, then made her way out the trap door.

.   .   .

Levi had just returned from the hell they called an expedition. Only he returned. He should have trusted his gut, he never should have gone outside the walls. He should have killed the scouts when they got caught in the Underground. They would still be alive if he did.

He made his way back to his barrack, his eyes were lifeless. 'How am I suppose to tell her-'

"You can't go this way." A member of the Military Police held his arm out, blocking Levi's path and pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw the door to his barrack opened, a body bag on the floor that seemed to be full.

"Wait... that's my room..." He spoke softly.

"Oh, you must be Levi Ackerman. Please come with me." He gestured for Levi to walk with him, but he didn't move.

"Where's... my kid." He said, his voice was cold. The officer took a step back.

"Please come with me, Mr. Ackerman. All will be explained."

Levi gave in and followed the officer, he was in too much shock to process the things that could have happened.

.    .   .

After a short walk to the Military Police Headquarters, Levi was brought to an office where he was told to wait for the chief. The door opened.

"Hello Mr. Ackerman," A raspy voice spoke, it was the chief.

Levi shot up, his shock slowly fading. "Where's my kid?!" he yelled.

"Mr. Ackerman, please," He gestured for Levi to sit across from him at his desk. "I understand you just lost two close friends of yours, but please, control yourself."

"Control myself?!" Levi snapped, "I get back from that hell, after losing my FAMILY, to find out my kid is missing?!" He pieced that together.

"A few nights ago, another soldier reported a scream coming from your barrack. When we investigated, we found Ms. Anna's body in a bed. When we furthered our investigation we noticed your daughter was nowhere in sight. There was a sign of break in and struggle, but she was nowhere to be found." Levi froze, his eyes wide, it happened. What he had been protecting her from all these years, finally happened. Levi felt a tear fall down his face. He lost everyone, his friends, his kid, they were gone. 


lksjdfh that was fun

hope that was a good read, i can't wait to put the next chapter up because DAMN

anyway, happy saturday!

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