Chapter Twenty-Eight

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hey guys!  sorry for the wait. here's the chapter and hope you have a good read!


   It had been a week since Lilith's reported disappearance. Levi had spent every hour of his return waiting in the Military Police Chief's office.

He heard someone running through the halls, then the door slammed open. A soldier stood there wide eyed and slipped a nod in his direction, Levi shot up from his seat and followed him.

The two ran through the halls of the headquarters until they made it to the hospital wing. Levi, still in full uniform, barged through the door, nearly taking it with him. He made eye contact with Eren's dad who was helping Lilith stand near a hospital bed. Levi looked down at Lilith to see her covered with bandages, they were everywhere but her face. She stood there with a cane in her hand.

"Lilly..." She looked up at him, her eyes widened.

"Dad!" She threw herself forward towards the door where he stood. Before she hit the floor, Levi caught her in his arms and the two fell to their knees.

Every part of her was in pain, but she ignored it. She was finally home. Lilith cried into Levi's chest as he hugged her tightly. The two were happy to be reunited.

After a few more moments of bliss, reality set in.

Dr. Yeager spoke and explained how the children found her and brought her to him. Levi pulled away from the embrace and cupped Lilith's face,

"What happened to you...? Where did you go?" He asked, though he probably didn't want to hear the answer.

"Here," Dr. Yeager placed a hand on Lilith's shoulder, "come lay down please, you really shouldn't be moving." Levi picked her up and set her down in a hospital bed, then listened to what happened. She told him about the break in and how it went, then started explaining the events Levi didn't want to hear. She talked about the chains, the whips, the slimy substance that burned her neck and the fire that was held to her arm. Levi felt his soul leave his body. Once she finished, the room, once filled with happiness, went dark. No one spoke a word for a few moments, until Eren's dad began.

"There will be some scarring, but everything should heal properly. She has a rather deep gash across her stomach that may take longer than her other injuries, but with proper treatment it will heal very soon. I have to return but I'm sure these doctors will take good care of her. I sent in a report about the situation for the Police to investigate the area where she was found but I have yet to hear back from them." The room remained silent, until Levi spoke softly.

"I'm sorry..." Levi cried out to Lilith who was shocked at his reaction. She had never seen him like this. "I'm sorry I left you..."

"Dad, please don't cry." She brought a hand to his face and rested it on his cheek. "I'm home now." She tried to form a smile but her eyes didn't comply. Levi kept his head down and spoke softly,

"It's all my fault. I wasn't strong enough to run from the scouts, I couldn't save Isabel and Furlan, I couldn't protect you..." Lilith tensed at her family's names.

"You... couldn't save... who?" She asked, hoping his words were mistaken.

"Isabel and Furlan were eaten by a titan just outside the walls, because I left them. I let them venture off because I thought they could handle it but I was so wrong. I'm sorry." Lilith's eyes burned, she wanted to cry but no tears came out. After a few moments, Erwin Smith walked into the room.

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