Chapter 9

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"You deemed it acceptable to not report such important findings because what? You thought you could take care of it. And did you? Take care of it, that is?!" My aura pressures my subordinates, reflecting my dark mood.

After that phone call with Henry I decided to check on my coven, but this... this is beyond pathetic.

"My apologies, Lord!" The blonde man, Argon, kneels in front of me.

Ignoring him, I turn towards my other coven generals and elders. "And you guys? Have you been sitting on asses like babies, doing nothing but sucking your thumbs? Don't tell me you all now expect me to deliver food at your feet?"

Their faces turn deathly pale as they, too, kneel while shouting for mercy.

"Silence." I increase my aura to shut their noisy traps. "Sigh. What a mess. I simply slept for a few decades and look what became of my coven. Should I just incinerate you all?" I muse out loud.



A couple of them mentally break down once imaging what's in store for them. Especially since they know how brutal I can get without my queen to calm me down.

"Sire." A low voice sounds out from the back of the crowd.

"Hm? Lucas? Why are you all the way back there?" I scrunch my eyebrows together. Lucas, one of my three commanders, above the generals and elders in the coven. He should have been the first to greet me.

I decrease the pressure on him, allowing him to catch his breath and walk up to me. A foot away from where I sit, he kneels below the stair steps.

"My apologies, my king. This servant of yours is useless. I beg for your mercy in granting me a painless death." He bows his head, clutching at his chest in pain. I focus on his heart, it- he's been poisoned?

He continues without waiting for my reply. "However, this servant bows his head to ask for one last favor."


"Please, please, I beg of you to free Anna, your second commander and my beloved. Please, master, save her from their clutches!" He starts silently sobbing.

I hold my head as it ached a hundred times more than a minute ago.

What the fuck happened? I literally only slept for 50 years. I've slept longer in the past, and nothing happened. But now?

The elders are corrupted.

More than half of my generals are now incompetent and are used to the luxury they newly founded as I hibernated.

My first commander is poisoned and practically dying.

My second commander is supposedly being held prisoner by my generals.

And my third commander is missing.

Fuck... What a chaotic mess this is. Let's clean up quickly.

I rise from my throne and walk towards him. "Stand up, Lucas."
He stands slowly, in agonizing pain as the poison continued to eat away at his heart every second. Yet he never screamed or grimaced, for his mind was filled with worry for his beloved, his soulmate.

I walk up to him, and place my hand on his heart. "I left greater burdens than I realized on your shoulders, didn't I?"
I push out my inner force, sending it through my palm into his heart. My power runs wild, devouring the poison within him.

"Agh-!" He stumbles forward. I steady him, pulling him by the back of his neck to rest his forehead on my shoulder.

"This brother of yours is so sorry, Lucas." I grit my teeth.

I left managing the coven to my sworn brother, though talented, even he wouldn't be able to do anything when threatened with his mate. I became completely hands off in the past two centuries. This is my fault.

"It- it's not brothers fault." He choked out through the pain. Gradually, my mana cleansed out the Cold Silver poison. "Hah, thank you brother." He breaths out in relief before grinning weakly at me.

I nod at him. "Now rest, and watch." I lightly push his shoulder. He tilts back, falling into a chair. He looks up at me with fragile hope. "Your older brother will take of this mess." I assure him before turning towards the sinners.

I walk down the three step stairs.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

With each step my aura pressures them further onto the ground, breaking the marble tiles.

I first stop near Argon, a general under my second commander. I step on his neck. "Where is my second commander?"

"Urk! Ma-master, ple-ase, urg! It- it wasn't me!"

"Then who? Come on, tell me, and I'll let you go."

"Master, it really wasn't me!" He struggles to get up, squirming with all his strength.

"Who was it? Hurry up, I don't have all night to interrogate you." I add strength in my foot, causing the cement under his face to cave in under the force. I still have to get back to school on Monday, only two days to clean up.

"I- I really don't know!"

"Fine. Hard way it is." I stretch my hand down to his head. I direct my power into his brain. Doing this will kill him, but at least I'll have my answers. His memories, one by one float into me. I snatch what I need, discarding the rest.

Hm, so he really doesn't know who exactly ordered the operation in the shadows, but he did help in getting his commander imprisoned. He lured her in while a group of elders sealed her body. They couldn't kill her, for she was blessed with an indestructible body by the Queen of darkness. She was currently sealed in a cave within a mountain range in Russia.

Thud-! Argon's body falls limply as I let him go.


I turn to the ones who participated in the sealing of my second commander. I know who they are from Argon's memories. I raise my hand, adding my power to the aura I had spread about, forcing them down. My black tangible power and red aura intertwined, forming a scythe above the necks of the traitors.

Saying goodbye, I bring my hand down.

"I hope you all enjoy hell's fire."

After all that is where we, the dark ones, including the vampires go after death.

One by one, their necks were cleanly cut off, decapitated heads rolling. Blood flowed through the throne room, tainting the soles of my shoes.

"Guards!" I call in my seventh dark squad, similar to royal guards, directly under my command.

" 'Master!'" Thirty of them enter in orderly fashion, and bow to me. In front of me were the Captain and his three chiefs under him.

"Take out the trash and send the rest to the prison." I command.

"Yes, master." The Captain bows again before turning around to take care of his task. More than half of the guards escort the surviving ones to the dungeons underground. The rest of the guards drag out the bodies for disposal.

I head back to Lucas. He stood in anticipation.

Tapping his shoulder, I tell him, "Lucas. Let's go get Anna."

"Yes, my king!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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