Golden Eyes

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Going to school the next day was more of a chore than Aether could've imagined, the blond male barely registering shoving the mask into his bag that morning before he left, in a rush to reach school on time. Somehow, he had managed to wake up late and Lumine was probably still sleeping at that time, unable to disturb him.

As usual, his classes were a struggle to get through without some sort of teasing or the teacher forgetting he was mute as they selected him for questions, which caused the class to erupt in a fit of condescending giggles. He didn't have any friends, but he would be fine without any because he only had a year left until he could leave this hellhole and Lumine wouldn't have to know about how they act towards him on a daily basis.

It's childish. Picking on someone who clearly can't fight back is childish, but he'd only have to deal with it for a little longer. With an exhale, Aether looked away from the teacher at the front of the class, dipping his hands into his bag to place his equipment back into it, his hand brushing against a rough surface before sliding out. That's odd. He thought, reaching back into his bag with a slight frown, only to realise that it was the mask in his bag. What was it doing inside here?

"Alright, class, you may start to pack your things and leave for your lunch, but please remember to do the assigned work in time for next week," the teacher announced, his reminder pulling a few groans out of some of the students. Aether had started packing before everyone else, so he was practically out of the door at the same time that the bell itself rang, slipping through the doors and speeding down the halls before the crowds came. The teachers let him leave without the bell ringing because they knew about his social anxiety to some extent, due to him having anxiety attacks before- sometimes turning into panic attacks if it got even worse. He couldn't handle the sudden rise in noise during lesson changeovers, but lunch definitely took first place for the worst changeover of the day, since friend groups finally got to crossover.

He just about made it outside in time to miss the students leaving their classes, shutting the doors behind him as he entered the school's garden, successfully blocking out the noise. Approaching the bench he inhabited everyday, Aether sat down without an issue, pulling his bag onto his lap to take out the mask hiding beneath his equipment. It was as beautiful as it was last night, the material rough, yet welcoming beneath his fingertips, the blond male gently tracing the green and gold highlights, feeling oddly calm for once, not paranoid about a random student finding him here and trying to socialise. He felt like he'd be safe if he put the mask on, as if it protected him in some sort of way. Is this why Alatus used it? To make him feel safe? Was Alatus a guardian of some sort? The sudden flurry of questions made him realise that Alatus' title was quite vague- Conqueror of Demons, huh?

"Aye, freak! Whatcha doing out here by yourself?" a sudden voice asked, causing Aether to quickly shove the mask inside of his bag, clutching it to try and settle his nerves. The student made his way over to Aether, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he sat down next to him on the bench and slung his arm around Aether's shoulders, pulling him closer and causing the blond to tense ever so slightly. He knew who this was- he didn't stand a chance fighting his way out, he didn't even know how to fight anyways. "No answer, huh?" The student removed the cigarette from his lips, puffing out smoke as he eyed Aether's bag "what's in the bag?"

Aether remained silent, using his free hand to hold the bag close to his chest, trying to also suppress his shaking hands, "oh right, you're fucking mute- if you're not going to talk, at least make your mouth useful," the student chuckled, holding the cigarette up to Aether's lips, "take a hit, I dare you." Aether ignored the taunt, looking down and squeezing his eyes shut to try and block out the male at his side. His leg was bouncing at this point, he couldn't stop it from acting on its own. Aether could barely ground himself, feeling his breaths starting to pick up as he tried to slow down his own heart rate. Would Alatus be alive to help him? The mask said to call for him and he will come. Would he even help Aether with such a silly problem? Could he trust an old relic?

"Open up, would you?" The student asked rhetorically, Aether unable to see his expression as he felt hands on his face, fingers clawing at his lips, trying to force his mouth open. He could barely contain the shivers that racked his body, praying to whatever God, despite being barely religious, that this would stop- that someone would answer his plea. Alatus...

It was sudden. There was no longer a constant weight pressing against him, causing him to let out the breath he didn't know he had been holding in until he was given the chance to free it. Was he trying to ground himself so forcefully to the point he was holding his breath completely? Cautiously, although he was unable to relax his body, he opened his eyes, his sight blocked by a figure standing in front with their back turned to him, which caused him to look around for the other student, noticing him groaning in the flower bed, successfully crushing the flowers. Had this person thrown him?

Turning back to face the other person, Aether was greeted by a glare, "where did you learn that name?" The stranger asked, his glare hardening when he didn't receive a reply. Even though Aether wasn't able to answer his question, he probably wouldn't have been able to reply if he could, unable to tear his gaze away from the stranger's golden irises. It should have set off his anxiety- the way how the stranger was clearly seething, but he felt oddly calm, as if he was safe, just like with the mask.

"Alatus... Where did you learn that name?"


So, big news- I've changed my username! You might be a returning reader or new, but I was previously known as HoonIsSoonOld and now I'm raxitol! :) After three years, I have finally changed my username. I just wanted to start fresh, I guess and I've just been struggling a lot, so I wanted to do something and I've been contemplating changing my username for a few months now, so I finally did it. As someone who has had panic/anxiety attacks and has social anxiety like Aether, you'd think I'd know how to describe the experiences XD sorry about my horrible writing, I'm still trying my best to improve, so please be patient with me. </3 Also, I wonder who that stranger is?

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