Chapter 47 - Letting her go...

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It's later that night and Kelly is heading towards the hospital. He went home and showered as his clothes were covered in Natalies blood. He couldn't quite get the blood out of his squad jacket so he is swinging by the firehouse to fill out some paperwork for a new one. He walks in and spots Boden who quickly rushes over to him
"How is she?" Boden asks panicking
"The last I checked she was stable, she only coded once in the ambo but their still running tests to find out if there's any further damage" Kelly says
"Good to hear....What's that?" Boden says noticing Kelly's jacket
"Oh! Umm it's why I'm here actually! Uh some of Natalies blood got onto my jacket and I can't get it out! So I'm here to fill out some paperwork for a new one!" Kelly says holding up the jacket
"I can do that for you! You go to the hospital!" Boden says enthusiastically
"It's fine! I need to pick up something from Natalies quarters anyway!" Kelly says as he flashes Boden a quick smile before walking in
Kelly fills out the paperwork and places it on bodens desk, on his way out he swings by Natalies quarters to see everything the way she left it. He then gets in his car and drives to the hospital. When he gets to her door he can see gallo sitting watching her
"Oh sorry Luitenent! I'll go!" Gallo says getting up
"It's all good! She would want you here!" Kelly says pulling a chair up beside Natalies bed
"I'm not gonna make her choose" Gallo says looking at Natalie
"Huh?" Kelly asks confused
"Between me and you! Shes in love with you Kelly! I've known it from day 1! And everyone who has eyes can tell that she's fallen head over heels for you!" Gallo says now looking at Kelly
"Then why'd you stay with her? You asked her to marry you Gallo!" Kelly says
"People who think there in love do stupid things! I thought she was the one! I loved her but deep down I knew she didn't love me back!" Gallo says looking at Natalie
Kelly just stays silent as he's not too sure what to say
"I'm gonna get going! Leave you two alone!" Gallo says as a single tear falls from his eye
Gallo walks out
"Poor kid!" Kelly says as he takes Natalies hand in his
"I love you Natalie! But I know your not ready to do that to Gallo and neither am I! I'm constantly the bad guy and I can't drag you into that! So you just focus on getting better! Because I can't lose my best friend...Again" Kelly says with tears in his eyes

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