Chapter 46 - Just keep breathing for me okay?

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"Okay! I can't do this anymore! Move!" Casey shouts as he grabs a slamigan from his car
Kelly moves out of the way and Casey strikes the doors a couple of times to get it open. He finally gets it open and they drag Natalie out and lay her down
Kelly starts CPR but does it a little too fast
"Hey! Slow down! Your gonna hurt her even more!" Casey shouts
"Can you not see that I'm trying here!?" Kelly shouts back as the chest compressions get faster
Kelly realises what he is doing and thinks. He remembers a time that shay had taught him about CPR
*Kellys Flashback*
"You ready for your first drill with ambo?" Shay asks as Dawson laughs
"I'm a squad Luitenent!! Not a paramedic!" Kelly replies annoyed
"Oh please! Being a paramedic is great!" Shay says as she playfully hits his shoulder
"Yeah! And plus Casey has to do this too so your not on your own! Now let's get started!" Dawson says as she drags a half brunt dummy out
"What is that?" Kelly asks
"The budget was tight this year okay!" Dawson says as Kelly laughs
"Now Jerry here has just gone into cardiac arrest at his local store!" Shay says
"Your the only one around him and you need to do something straight away! So you decide to call 911 and they tell you to do CPR! How do you do it?" Dawson asks as Kelly gets ready to do CPR
"1...2...3...4!" Kelly shouts as he does CPR
"Hey! Were going a bit fast there buddy! Doing it like that could hurt them even more!" Dawson says as shay gets down next to him
"No matter what your feelings are you always do it nice and slow and controlled! If you know the person imagine it's a stranger and you need to save their life!" Shay says calmly
*Present day*
"Kelly! Snap out of it!" Casey shouts as Kelly snaps out of it and does the CPR slower
"Come on Natalie! Just breath! One breath please!" Kelly shouts as the ambulance arrives
The paramedics run over and Kelly fills them in. They hook her up to the machine and start CPR again. She still has no pulse so they give her a round of epi. Kelly is holding her hand during all of this
"We have a rhythm!" The paramedic shouts
"Let's get her to med!" The other one shouts as they load her into the ambo
"Just keep breathing for me! Okay?" Kelly says as they drive away

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