Chapter 22- Finally getting together

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Gallo has officially been cleared and is back at 51. Out of everyone Natalie is the most excited to have him back. She feels kind of weird talking to him as she kind of confessed her love to him when he was dying on a hospital bed but anyways we're trying to overcome that. Natalie has been avoiding him all morning as she doesn't know if he heard her that night or if he didn't. She thought if he did hear it then she could blame it all on those medications he was on. You know making him think he heard things but she thought that was a bit mean. She has decided to own up like the fully grown woman she is
"Hey Luitenent!" Gallo says enthusiastically
"Gallo! It's great to have you back!" Natalie says awkwardly
Well that plan went out of the window
"Your looking...better" Natalie says cringing inside at what she has just said
"Well i sure hope so! I'm pretty sure the last time you saw me the grim reaper had just left my room" Gallo says as he laughs
"Yeah right!" Natalie says nervously
"Are you okay?" Gallo asks
"Yeah I'm great!" Natalie replies
Newsflash Natalie was not great! She wanted to ask him out badly but just couldn't work up the courage to.
"Hey there was something I wanted to ask you?" Gallo says smiling
"Oh yeah? What's up!" Natalie asks
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight? There's a new Thai place that I wanna try out!" Gallo says enthusiastically
"Sure! I would love to!" Natalie says before walking away
Wow Natalie! Could you have answered fast enough?
It's later that night and Natalie is getting ready for her big date night with gallo. She wanted to look good so she curled her hair and put on more makeup than usual. She finds this beautiful orange summer dress that has white Polka dots all over it. She wears it with nice white trainers and a brown Chanel bag. She looks in the mirror at herself
"Wow! What a badass!" Natalie says before letting it a little laugh
Gallo comes and picks her up and they drive to the restaurant. They sit and eat. They talk about work and what's been going on outside of work and just overall have a great time. They end the night with a walk on the beach. Gallo suddenly stops
"You okay?" Natalie says
"I've wanted to do this for so long!" Gallo says as he walks up to Natalie and kisses her
"So have i!" Natalie says pulling away from the kiss

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