Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I hate the sound it makes, my head aches every time I hear it. But at least it's a Friday!

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I then go back to my room to pick out what to wear. "Hm.. what to wear, what to wear..." I say to myself. I then picked out a basic black tee, baggy jeans, and red converse. I change then head downstairs. Before heading down I check my phone for the time, instead I saw a text from... Craig? That's odd we rarely talk out of school? As a matter a fact we rarely even talk at school! I don't even know how I got his number.

Craig: hey. When you get to school meet me at your locker.

I look at the text confused and put my phone back in my pocket. I grab some bread and put it in the toaster. While I waited I saw a note on the counter. It was from my dad. It read:

Hey dear, sorry but I won't be home for a while. My job is making me go up north again. I'm sorry, I'm going to miss you lots, hopefully I'll be back right before your birthday. love you.

I was mad and crumbled the paper into a small ball. I regret it right after. I love my dad lots. He's a great dad and an independent one too. I just never get to spend time with him. His job is always dragging him away from me. The ding from the toaster interrupted my thoughts. I was glad because if it didn't I would've spent the whole day stuck in my thoughts. I grab my toast, head towards the door grabbing my coat.

I started walking towards the bus stop where I meet with the boys every morning. On my way there I saw Kenny, I catch up to him. "Hey Kenny!" I say. He muffled something under his hood. I can't ever understand what he's saying but instead of rudely staring at him, I just smile at him pretending I understood what he said. He muffled something again, this time I actually ask him what he said. He pulls down his hoodie and says " how are you?" "Ooh! So sorry. I'm good! You?" He puts his hood back up and muffled something again. This time I didn't even wanna know what he said this time because he started laughing after. I'm assuming he said something flirty back. I smile at his childish behavior.

We both get at the bus stop and greet everyone. The bus eventually comes and picks us up.

~At School~

We get there and I tell the boys about that odd text from Craig. Kyle says "Craig texted you that?" "Yeah! Weird right" I responded. "Yeah I don't think you should go, he's bad news" Kyle said before getting interrupted by Cartman "why are you so worried about that bitch! Haha!" "Shut up fat boy!" Kyle responds with a red face. Stan and I laugh.

"Well personally I think you should, it can't be that bad? Just get it over with. Plus it's at your locker, we won't be too far" Stan reassured me.
I smile and thank him. "I think I will, thanks!" They all wave goodbye to me as I walk to my locker and meet up with Craig. "Took you long enough." Craig says. "Sorry, so what's up?"

"It's about your friend..."



Hey!! I'm new to writing these. Sorry if it wasn't interesting, please feel glad to leave suggestions!

(Sorry for the cliff hanger! I'll write soon since schools out!)

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