Chapter 4

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Time skip! (Saturday)

I was so excited, I had my bag already packed for this weekends sleepover! Wendy had texted me that she was on the way to my house so I was at the door putting my shoes on. My dads still at that work thing so he doesn't know. Won't matter though. He doesn't need to know. I heard beeping from outside so I quickly put my sweater on and ran outside with my stuff.

I got in the front seat of Wendy's car. "Hey Wendy!" I hugged her. She smiled and hugged me back. "Hey y/n! Looks like someone's excited!" "Mhm! This will be the perfect thing to get me to stop stressing." Wendy started driving to her house. "Yeah, it looked like you needed a break" I laughed.

We had just arrived to Wendy's house "okay so here's the plan..." Wendy said. "You'll put all your stuff down and we wait for Stan to pick us up. By then he'll already have Kyle and Bebe so we'll just go to the mall. Yeah?" I smiled. "Awesome!" I rushed upstairs to put all my stuff in Wendy's room. When I came back down it seemed like Stan had already gotten here with them so we didn't have to do much waiting.

At the mall

There were so many cool stores. I saw lots of dresses but none of them really said 'pick me!' You know? It also kinda felt like I was just a 3rd wheel. WHICH I WAS. I don't know how I didn't realize this sooner? Wendy and Stan were together and Bebe was hogging Kyle. I haven't even gotten to say hi to him.

Wendy called my attention over to a store. I didn't really wanna go in but she kinda pulled me in. I was looking around with all the others till I found a (f/c) dress. It was beautiful. And it wasn't too much which was perfect! I grabbed the dress and held on to it. Wendy had found a dress with Bebe and told us we should go try it on. I was kinda nervous but I did anyways.

As I was changing into my dress I could hear Stan complimenting Wendy on her dress. Then Kyle to Bebe. But Kyle didn't seem as enthusiastic as Stan was to Wendy. Wendy knocked on the door "come out already! We wanna see you!" I finished putting on the dress and slowly opened the door nervously. Wendys jaw dropped. "OMGOMGOMG (Y/N) THAT DRESS FITS YOUR FIGURE PERFECTLY! RIGHT BEBE??" Bebe looked over at me, almost in an offended or jealous way. "U-uhm... yeah whatever! My dress is still cuter right Kyle??!" Kyle didn't even respond. He was too busy looking at me. There was an awkward silence until Bebe broke it again. "RIGHT KYLE?!" Kyle jumped up and looked at Bebe. "Huh?! Oh yeah, sure!"

I couldn't help but turn around, shut the door, and smile. Even giggle a little bit. Kyle liked my dress way more than bebe's! I could just tell!

After we had all bought the dresses, we ate and head out of the mall. The sun was going down and we wanted to spend some time together before we all had to go home so we hung out at Wendy's for a bit. We played some games, talked, but then eventually Bebe, Stan, and Kyle obviously had to go home. We waved our goodbyes and Wendy and I went up to her room for bed. It was probably 1-2 am by then. Right before Wendy shut off her lamp she said, "kyle was totally fantasizing over you in that dress." She winked and turned off the lamp. I couldn't help but turn red in embarrassment. I mean.... I didn't hate the idea though...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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