Chapter 3

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After class I met up with Wendy to lunch, Bebe and I didn't get along too well but Wendy and I did so it was all good. I told Wendy about what had happened before class and she laughed. Wendy knew I liked Kyle, I have for a while now. She doesn't really care though, but she still likes to hear me talk about him, which is nice. I feel like I can trust her with almost anything. I had to shut up though cause I saw Stan approaching us.

"Hey Wendy!" He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey y/n!" We both greeted Stan. "Did you guys hear about the party Clyde is hosting on Sunday?" "Sunday?" I said "isn't there school the day after?" "Nope! Teachers planning day!" He responded. Wendy asked "are you gonna go? It'll be fun! Since Tomorrow is Saturday we can go shopping together!" Stan added "yeah, maybe us boys could come along as well?" I smiled and said "well, I could use a trip to the mall. Alright! Sure!" Wendy squealed and hugged me "it'll be so fun!" She said. I had to go to the bathroom so I let the couple walk to lunch together by themselves.

t When I got to the bathroom it was empty. I liked empty bathrooms. I quickly used the bathroom, and washed my hands. While I was washing my hands though I heard yelling in the halls. I walked out to see Kyle and cartman having their usual fight. Kenny just standing there. I tried to sneak away from them before they could even see me until I heard Kyle call me over. I didn't like it when they fought cause they would always force me to pick a side, which I could see was happening right now.

"Hey y/n! Glad I spotted you! I don't feel like arguing with fatty anymore." Cartman immediately responds "I'm not fat! I'm just buff!" Kyle grabs me by the wrist and starts pulling me away "yeah yeah sure you are!"

"Huh? What's going on?" I asked Kyle. He let go of me and said " nothing, I just wanted an excuse to walk away hah." "Ohh okay, are you going to Clyde's party on Sunday?" "Yeah, why?" He looked at me confused. "Oh cause stan, Wendy, and I were going to the mall tomorrow. Wanna come?" I smiled. He opened his mouth looking like he was gonna say yes but closed it right after. "I don't know, I'd have to ask Bebe.." I frowned. "Why would you have to ask Bebe?" "Well, cause.... She doesn't really like me going anywhere if she's not there." I looked away IN knowing I was going to regret my next sentence. "Well, she can come if you want?" Kyle smiled "really?!" "Mhm" "aw that's great! I'll tell her right now!" He ran off into the cafeteria. I don't think Kyle knows we don't get along? But whatever, he's happy.

The rest of the day went by rather quick, nothing too important happened, just school stuff. The girls and I actually agreed on sleeping over at Wendy's Saturday to Sunday so I was excited, until I heard Bebe was gonna be there. I don't care though! I won't let that ruin my weekend!


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