Chapter One

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*Tsubaki's POV*

"--baki...Tsuuubaaakkkiiii~ Oi Tsubaki, time to get up.!" My brother Arata sing songed. "mmmmnnggg...don't wanna...get up..." I groaned sleepily and pulled my comforter over my head, curling into a ball. " brought this on yourself, baby sis." Arata sighed and ripped my covers off of my, causing me to gasp from the sudden blast of cool air on my skin. "ARA-!!" I yelled, not even finishing his name before charging at him. Arata took off sprinting through the house as I chased him and pretty soon my angry screams turned to joyful laughs. As I was about to round the corner to chase Arata into the living room, a pair of strong arms grabbed me and my older brother, Daichi was tossing me over his shoulder. He spun around a few times before tickling me relentlessly. "DAICHI...STOP!!" I managed to say through fits of laughter.

"Alright Dai, put her down, I think she's had enough." Tohma, my eldest brother said with a chuckle. "You heard him...put me down or I'll be forced to take you down!" I said and put Daichi in a mock choke hold and pretended to strangle him. He smiled and put me down before patting the top of my head. I giggled softly and ran to the dinning room to eat the wonderful breakfast Arata had made. "How's it taste, baby sis?" he asked. "Amazing as always." I said dreamily with my mouth still full of food. Once I had finished eating, I thanked Arata for the meal and wished my brothers a safe day before they left for work. I then went upstairs to get dressed. once my uniform was on I ran my brush through my silver hair and gathered my finished homework to put in my bag along with the letter I had written to give to a boy that I liked at school. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I made my way downstairs and grabbed my bento box from the fridge, tucking it into my school bag. "I'll be home a bit late today due to music club." I informed my older brother. "Alright, be safe." He responded and gave me a quick peck on the top of my head. I strapped my roller skates on and made the trip to school.

*Lunch Time*

"Where is it?!" I asked myself as I frantically searched through my bag for the confession letter. "I know I put it in least I think I did..." I set my bag down and nervously ate my lunch, trying to take my mind off the letter, only for me to obsess over it even more.

*After school*

School had ended for the day and I made my way to my locker. Upon opening my locker door I was greeted with a mint green envelope, to which I immediately opened.

"Dearest Tsubaki,

I apologize greatly for this letter finding you this way as I'm sure you really wanted to give me your letter in person.

One of my friends found the letter lying on the ground and gave it to me since it had my name on it.

Meet me in the courtyard after school so we can talk about our feelings.

Love Kaitou."

I could feel the blood pooling in my cheeks as I read the letter. I slipped the letter into my bag and sprinted to the school courtyard to meet with my dear Kaitou. I stopped to take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves before entering the flower filled courtyard and stood in front of the large pond. A few moments passed before my ears picked up the sound of three, all to familiar giggles. "I can't believe you actually fell for it..." Ruka, the leader of the group said mockingly as she laughed. At first I was confused but then she walked up to me and pulled out the confession letter I had written for Kaitou. "Did you honestly believe you had a chance with him?" Ruka asked in my ear before standing up straight and ripping the letter in half. My eyes widened as I stared at the now shredded paper that littered the ground and I could feel my blood boiling. I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of a loud smacking sound only to see a bright red mark on Ruka's left cheek. I had slapped her without meaning to. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hit you!" I quickly apologized. Ruka snarled and grabbed me by the collar of my uniform. she began shaking me and screaming at me for leaving a mark on her beautiful skin and next thing I knew, I was falling backwards. My body hit the water and a sharp pain ripped through my body before everything went black.

*Tanjiro's POV*

'I'm so naive...and a fool...' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way back to Urokodaki's house. 'I couldn't even get a demon to talk to me...' I continued to mentally berate myself until I tripped over something. After giving my muscles a short moment of rest I rolled over to see what I had tripped on only to see a beautiful girl about my age, unconscious, in the middle of the road. "Hey are you alright?!" I asked frantically and moved towards her. Her breathing was shallow and she was burning up so I gently placed my hand under her head, feeling a bump. I situated her so she was secure on my back and continued on back home. I arrived at the top of the hill leading down to Urokodaki's house only to she the door fly off and Nezuko to walk out. "Nezuko, it's you! You're awake!" I shouted joyously and tried to run to her, forgetting about the girl on my back. I fell to my knees, mostly from exhaustion but Nezuko ran to me and wrapped her arms around my head, embracing me. Unable to stop myself, I cried. "Why'd you have to do that?! Why'd you have to sleep for so long?!" I asked loudly "I thought you were never gonna wake up! I was afraid you were gonna die!!" I wailed loudly as I buried my face in Nezuko's shoulder before Urokodaki embraced the two of us. "You're came back alive..." I could tell he was crying as well as he spoke.

Not long after I returned and everything settled down, Urokodaki and I helped get the girl I had found into an extra futon. We laid her beside Nezuko before placing a cold wet rag on her forehead to help bring down her fever. "That girl sure is dressed strange..." I said as I glanced at the pink two part outfit that was in a heap on the floor. Nezuko had changed the girls clothes and dressed her in a simple clean white yukata, before falling asleep again herself. "That she was..." Urokodaki responded softly. we talked for awhile before exhaustion took over and I too, fell asleep. 

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