Chapter Fourteen

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*Tsubaki's POV*

As I fumbled my way through the woods the reality that I had just been violated sunk in and my vision blurred as tears welled up in my eyes, creating small waterfalls that cascaded down my bruised cheeks. "I feel so...filthy..." I choked as my stomach tossed and turned. I ended up vomiting behind a tree a good three times before curling up in a ball. I was about to give up but a loud thud caught my attention causing me to flinch and look up only to see Tanjiro leaning against a tree, panting heavily. "Tanjiro..." I whispered weakly, my throat burning. I must have startled him because he jumped before spinning around to face me, his eyes widening at my disheveled appearance. "Tsubaki, what happened to you?!" He asked frantically as he crawled over to me. "I got knocked out by a demon as I was following you and Inosuke..." I started to explain "But when I came to...I was naked and bound to a tree. The demon, she...she...SHE VIOLATED ME!!" I wailed, breaking down yet again "Touched me in places that only my future husband should touch...she also stole my first kiss..." Tanjiro pulled me close to him and let me cry for a moment before pulling away. he put my left arm in a makeshift sling and bandaged the gashes on my hip and thigh before fixing my yukata so that it covered my cleavage.

A loud scream and the sound of crying caught our attention causing us to go investigate. In a small clearing we saw the boy from earlier standing over a girl that was holding her face as blood dripped onto the ground. "What are you looking at? This isn't a play, you know..." the boy said menacingly, having noticed our presence. "What are you doing? Aren't you two on the same side?" Tanjiro asked. "The same side? Don't go phrasing it in such an infantile manner...the two of us are family, we're connected by a powerful bond. Regardless of that, this is between me and my sister and if you insist on interfering, I'll carve you up." 'this is no family...a real brother wouldn't hurt his sister like that...' I thought. "You're wrong. Family or long as you feel close to one another that's all that really matters." Tanjiro reprimanded "Saying it's childish if you're not related by blood...that's not true at all! Not only that but those who are strongly connected to each other give off the scent of trust...but all I'm picking up from you two is scent of terror, hatred and revulsion! That's not something you can call a bond, it's a fake...a forgery!" This angered the demon boy. "Well well...a demon that's a manageable size. Even I can deal with a kid. This is my chance." A cocky slayer said as he came into the clearing and raised his sword "No...don't!" I tried to warn "Don't move in on my prey...this is how I'll secure my path up the ladder and with more status comes more money in my pocket from on high..." He said with a greedy smirk "Even with most of my unit wiped out I'll dispose of him. And after words I'll descend the mountain to claim my prize for defeating this demon." The slayer went to attack but before we could stop him the demon boy sliced him to tiny pieces, leaving behind a bloody mess that made me want to purge my already empty stomach.

"Now then...what did you just say...?" The demon boy asked...his tone dark and terrifying as he turned to face us. I could feel his anger as it felt like the air got ten times heavier than before. "Answer me. What did you mean...I demand to hear it..." The boy asked again "He means that real family doesn't treat each other like you treat your sister!" I shouted before I could stop myself. A sharp and sudden pain in my right cheek caused me to yelp softly. I touched my cheek with my good hand and looked to see I was bleeding. Tanjiro suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist and began dodging attacks. "Just so you know...I'm not going to kill you in a single strike. Instead I'll dissect you piece by piece..." The boy said, halting his assault "However if you take back what you said to me, I'll make your death mercifully quick." I was about to say something but Tanjiro spoke first "I refuse! What I said was the unbridled truth...I won't take it back...NOT ON YOUR LIFE!" He said and set me down. "Listen to me Tsubaki...I need you to run and go find help..." He said softly " I can fight...please." I begged but he stood firm "Not in your go!" He said and gently pushed me away "Don't you dare die on me!" with that said I turned and ran off hoping to find someone that could help.

I ran as fast as my trembling legs could carry me until I came to another clearing. A labored grunting sound grabbed my attention and I turned to my left only to see a massive demon holding Inosuke in the air by his his head. I watched as blood began pouring from the boar head "INOSUKE!!!" I screamed, fearing the worst as I instinctively ran towards the demon with my Tanto drawn. Before I could reach him another figure jumped out of the tree line and sliced the demons arm off. He wore the typical demon corp uniform but his haori had yellow and green diamond shapes on one side while the other was solid red. He had long black hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail. I ran up to Inosuke, placing his head in my lap "Are you alright Inosuke?! Talk to me!!" I said frantically before looking up at the man who saved my friend. The demon grew it's arm back and ran to attack the man. "Watch out!!" I yelled but he didn't need my warning as he effortlessly eliminated the beastly demon. "Are you...a Hashira?" I asked softly to which the man simply nodded. My heart did flips in my chest and I began to cry from relief. "Thank goodness. Our friend, Tanjiro needs help...he's fighting a powerful demon!" I explained and made sure Inosuke was okay before gently laying him down. I stood up and began leading the Hashira to where Tanjiro was.


Poor Tsubaki is gonna need a hella good therapist when she finally returns home XD

By the way ya'll I posted a poll on Amino a while back when I first started this story about which demon would be most likely to kidnap Tsubaki and the one and only Douma was the winner but no one would explain why Douma would be most likely. Could someone give me some insight on him and reasons he would have to kidnap Tsubaki? I haven't made it to his arc yet as I am not a manga reader. I really appreciate everyone's feedback so far and I look forward to more! 

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