Chapter 7

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Aphrodite seeing An alone Izuku thinks to her self. (Well he definitely looks better than his old man, wouldn't mind playing with him) Aphrodite thought giving a evil smirk. Walking up to Izuku saying "My arn't you handsome young man."
Izuku scratching the back of his head embarrassed saying "thank you, My name is Izuku Midoriya, whats your name?"
Aphrodite striking a sexy pose answered "I am the goddess of love and passion Aphrodite."
Izuku jolted at that name remembering his fathers warning Tries to walk away saying "well nice meeting you, I should go see if my dad is done attacking Zeus."
Aphrodite grabbing Izuku's shoulder stopping him says "Now now let your father have his fun, while we could have our own." Aphrodite said creepily.
Izuku brushing off Aphrodite's hand saying "sorry but Dad not to be alone with you."
Izuku trying to leave again.
Aphrodite annoyed he rejected her uses her ability to seduce Izuku. Saying "Why don't you come back and ignore what that old man said"
Izuku unaffected but his amulet started to produce a loud alarm sound. That Even Hephaestus could hear.
All the Gods looking at Izuku and seeing the pink Pheromone around the boy who seemed unaffected. (Oh us damn it! Aphrodite is trying to go after Izuku.)
Before anyone could step in Hephaestus came charging in saying "Aphrodite you whore of a bastard, stay the fuck away from my son before I kill you for good!"
Aphrodite surprised at the sudden alarm then at what Hephaestus said. "I am not a whore! And I wasn't doing anything" as she makes the pheromones disappear.
Hephaestus carrying a blade charging at Aphrodite who knew very well she was the bad kind of fucked ran out the door before Hephaestus could attack her.
Hephaestus instead of giving chase walks up to his son looking at him saying "Are you okay?!" Said a panicked Hephaestus worried for his son.
Izuku unaware of what happened just asks why the alarm went off and what was with the pink mist. Which the alarm was turned off the moment Hephaestus walked in the door. Hephaestus saying "well its a conversation for later but the basics is Aphrodite tried to use her love pheromone on you which was negated by the amulet and triggered the alarm to alert me to run here to get that bitch away.
Hephaestus let the two hedonistic gods live for now because his concern for his family outmatched his urge to slay.
{going to speed this part along since I haven't even started the UA part yet and this is kinda prt is going a bit too slow}
Izuku ended up meeting all the other gods, some he like some he got along with and a certain wine god tried to give unwatered down wine of his to Izuku which was promptly taken by Hephaestus and a lecture toward Dionysus soon followed. The rest of the time there was spent hanging out with Hades and Persephone who actually liked having Izuku around since he was the newest Demigod that actually cared about his family, and wasn't arrogant about being the son of a God. Izuku also trained his magic without concern about something getting destroyed or a certain pink haired friend seeing, since he isn't ready to tell people about his magic.
Eventually everyone went back home to Japan.
{brief explanatory time skip over back to the story}
Izuku getting back from his trip immediately called Mei telling her "Hey Mei, I'm back from Greece, did anything happen while I was away"
Mei answering over the phone. "Well I blew up twice and was grounded by my parents so I can't work in my room for the rest of the summer but now that your back We can use your dads workshop."
Izuku feeling his heart beat increase as he gets to hang out with Mei again. (Why does my heart rate increase whenever she is involved, maybe I should ask dad.)
"Yeah we can work on gadgets Tomorrow. I just have to rest a bit. Kind of exhausted and tired from the ride back."
Mei a bit disheartened she won't get to work on her babies till tomorrow responds "Ok. See you my Strawberry"
Izuku not catching the my part said "See ya Mei."
Izuku hanging up only then thinking (she say my strawberry? No I must be really tired.)
Izuku going down stairs to his father to ask him a question.
"Hey dad. I have a question?"
Hephaestus who was laying down gets up and sits up right saying "sure, whats your question me boy"
Izuku asking his dad "So I get this weird feeling anytime Mei is invoved, my heart rate rises, I feel saddened when I can't hangout with her, and sometimes I find my self zoning out while looking at her. Do you know why I keep doing this?" Izuku Confused.
Hephaestus without even letting a second go by laughs saying "Son, you are just in love, thats a natural thing. Though now I should probably give you the talk before anything happens."
Izuku confused until his dad explained the birds and the bees.
Hephaestus also explained what Aphrodite was trying to do at the party since he was at it. Izuku was also afraid realizing that his own aunt was trying to rape him.
Izuku went to bed horrified and Disturbed. Never taking off the amulet. Till he could put anti pheromone on everything he owned, incase she decided to visit.

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