Chapter 18

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Next day at school.

Izuku is sitting in class finishing up and patching up issues with his life sensor as he calls it, when power loader approaches Izuku saying "well I got approval from Aizawa to let you test your equipment during there rescue training tomorrow, make sure you finish up your patch work to be able to use it by then"
Izuku giving a nod and smile replies "Thanks sir, I just have to widen the range a little for slow heart rate and rapid heart rates, then I should be able to test it tomorrow. Also thank you for helping test my gadget."
Power loader after telling Izuku this walks off to do more work. Unbeknownst to Izuku a pink hair girl is creeping up behind him. Mei jumps on Izuku's back giving him a hug saying "Hello ready to get to work we have so much to do today." Mei said with a grin.
Izuku getting startled almost dropping his life sensor saying "By the gods Mei. you almost made me drop my project."
Mei with a grin responds "If you break it we get to spend more time together making your baby again. I see no problem here."
Izuku as red as a tomato replies "Mei we have talked about you calling your devices that, it gives people the wrong idea and may even become off putting to a potential client if they think your talking about a actual baby."
Mei with a grin "Oh I know. I just prefer to say to like that since it make you look like a strawberry. So what did teacher face tell you?"
Izuku looking at Mei replies telling her "Ok first off did you really not remember our teachers name, his name is Mr. Higari but we could just call him Power loader how could you forget both names already?"
Mei looking at Izukus gadget responds with "I wasn't pay attention obviously I was more focused on designing my Jet pack baby."
Izuku just deciding to ignore that last thing "Well I was talking with Mr. Higari about me testing the device your currently holding Tomorrow with Class 1A during there rescue training."
Mei was about to continue her conversation when Power Loader started talking to the class "Ok class before anyone gets to involved in there blue prints or in Midoriya and Mei's case there Projects. I want you all to pick a class representative and vice representative and tell me before your next class. That is all."
Izuku and Mei just ignored that and Izuku said "Don't care have too much to do so I'm going to continue working."
When someone tried suggesting Izuku or Mei to be the Presidential Mei would just chime in saying "Not interested" and go back to working. Eventually someone that Izuku and Mei don't know nor care to know ended up being picked.
Lunch time rolls around and Izuku and Mei are staying in there workshop, too engrossed with there projects to realize the lunch bell has already rang. Only realizing something was wrong when the schools security alarm went off.
Izuku hearing the alarm grabs Hatsume's arm to get her attention saying "Get behind the table!" As Izuku Grabs his war hammer and Fire dagger from his bag and ready's himself by the door incase anyone tries to break into the classroom.
The alarm stops and Izuku believing the coast is clear calms down just when the door opens and Power loader walks in to continue working only to be almost hit with a war hammer and Izuku moving it above his head shout "Sorry Sir!" Over correcting and throwing his hammer into the ceiling getting it stuck.
Power loader about to fight back realizing it was just Midoriya shout back "Damn it Midoriya you almost took my head off! Why do you even have that out!?"
Izuku trying to pry his hammer from the ceiling responds with "well the security alarm went off so I was prepared incase a intruder tried to get into the class. Hence the War hammer." As he finally dislodged his hammer then putting it back in his bag.
Power loader face palming saying "It was just reporters breaking into the school and do you just carry that around with you?"
Izuku bluntly responding with "Yes, yes I do. Ever since I was attacked by a villain I started carrying weapons I made on me at all times. Heck even the end of this thing can nullify quirks and it also-" Izuku started speaking excitedly about his enchantment but cut himself off saying "I mean its a very good hammer."
Power loader curious asks "I want to ask how it can Nullify quirks but your just going to dodge my questions again, right?"
Izuku nodding to confirm this.
Power loader then says "seeing how you didn't know it was just reports I guess its safe to assume you didn't go to lunch, also where is Mei she is usually near you?"
Izuku points to behind the workstation table thing saying "Oh she's behind the table still working on her jetpack because I told her to get behind it so incase someone did break in they wouldn't see her."
Power loader putting his hand on his excavator helmet thinking (Ugh I can why Nezu thinks he would be a good hero. Immediately get non combatants away from the line of sight of potential villains and always ready incase of villains) power loader then whispers "its going to be hard to keep this kid in my class if he keeps acting like this" which Izuku heard saying "Sorry about the ceiling, please don't kick me out of the class" clasping his hands together pleading thinking he is about to be kicked out.
Power loader realizing the misunderstanding corrects Izuku by saying "No  no no, I am not expelling you and your not in trouble because you did do the right thing in the situation considering no one said anything over the loud speakers since everyone was at lunch, where you should have been, but regardless some kids from 1A calmed everyone down and explained the situation, so you didn't know it was a false alarm and treated it like a real threat. What I was talking about was that Nezu wishes to find a way to put you in 1A since he thinks you would be a good hero since you have all the qualities of a hero except motivation so keep an eye out since Nezu may try to drag you into 1A soon. Which by the way, you need to get ready for your next class. Since lunch is almost over."
Izuku hearing that gets Mei's attention and drags her to their next class.

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