Chapter One

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"Up or down?" I asked Grace as we were getting ready for Friday night at youth group. I had all my hair piled up at the top of my head with hands. I didn't know if I like it or not.

"Up," she replied, "It'll bring out your eyes"

I pulled out my drawers and grabbed a fist full of bobby pins and started to clip my hair up into place. I didn't normally go to Friday night meetings but my group leader, Charles said that some doctor from D.C. was coming so we should all show up to support him.

"All done" I told Grace as I grabbed our bags and my keys and sped to her car. She always asked me why I didn't get a license but I was not about to willingly be behind the wheel of a death machine and have the lives of several people in my hands.

As we make our way down to the church we talk about ridiculous things and sing along to ridiculous songs. Grace pulls out at the small driveway and drops me off at the door while she parks the car. I checked my phone for any messages and frown when I see yet another post from miss all-holy-never-does –anything-wrong Elizabeth. This particular picture had more cleavage than anything else and that was not the most infuriating thing about the whole post, it was the captain that caught my attention. Love my new cross necklace, it said.

"What's surprising is that the cross didn't shrivel up when it's that close to her heart," a voice said from behind. I whirled around to see a sheepish curly haired boy looking down at my phone screen.  

"Yea well some people get really good at hiding what's inside." I retorted. I slid my phone back into my back pocket.

"What about you?" Mystery Guy asked me.

Is just me or is it really creepy when people just some up to you and start asking you random questions that aren't meant to sound so personal but are. I just stare at him like he's grown another head. I decide to avoid his question.

"Who are you anyway? I asked.

"I'll take that as a yes," he replied with a boyish grin. "I'm David." He held out his hand for me to shake. Really? A hand shake? I take it and shake firmly.

"I like a girl with a firm hand shake" he said. Heat starts flowing to my cheeks. I don't handle complements well.

"Um thanks" I said before looking away.

"You want to walk inside with me. My mom said we should try out this church because they speak Amharic here." He was referring to the adult services. The youth group is in English because most Ethiopian kids couldn't speak Amharic to save their lives.

"Um actually I'm waiting for a friend who's-"I was interrupted by my phone buzzing and it's a text from Grace. It read

If u dare miss this opportunity to have a convo with this hottie I will have you throat. I'll go in alone just talk to him.

Traitor. I sighed as I placed my phone back into my pocket and said, "Yea let's go."

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