Chapter Two

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After a grueling service about the power of temptation and an embarrassing role playing with volunteers who didn't really volunteer, we were released to go about our normal Fridays. In my case, this meant pulling on a pair of sweats and having a Criminal Minds marathon on Netflix. I said bye to Grace and David and walked to the bus stop. Times like this, I regret not getting a license.

I used a napkin I had in my bag to wipe off the seat and sat down. Pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking my messages. I had a text from my mother telling me that she and Daddy would be out until late at some art showing for one of Dad's clients. Ah the life of a real estate agent. Well at least I'll have the house to myself all night.

I spend some time scrolling through Twitter when I heard a car with blasting music pouring out of its windows approach me. Surely they were not here to wait on the bus. They parked right in front of me and the aroma coming from the car resembled that of a smelly herb. It didn't take a genius to know that they were smoking weed.

One of the greasy looking guys poked his head out of the passenger side and said, "Hey girl, you want to come over and ride on my lap? It beats where you're at right now." He was in his late teens to early twenties and looked buff enough to eat nails for breakfast. I was initially going to use the tough girl tactic but he could obviously overpower me and I was greatly outnumbered so I decided to play it sweet.

"No thank you." I replied and looked back to my phone.

"Oh come on," he persisted, "a pretty little thing like you should not have to wait on a bus stop. Why don't you let us give you a ride to where ever you're going." I looked up to see that he had gotten out of the car and was now by the curb.

"I said, no thank you. I'll wait for the bus." I had a determined look on my face which probably provoked the guy.

He looked back to the car and threw, "Is this chick stupid?"

Okay now I've had enough. There was no way I was going to ride with them and I was getting fed up with all the pet names. "Um hi yea this chick has a name and if you're planning on finding out what it is then keep dreaming. Because it is only on your dreams that I would ever want to have anything to do with a bunch of pot heads. I'm willing to bet that that driver of yours is just as high as you are and if you keep on harassing me I will call the cops and have them trace this car for driving under the influence. Not to mention harassment. So go away,

and leave me alone or I swear I'll have you done for."

Suddenly I feel a pair of hands grab my wrists and push me into the wall of the bus stop booth. "You dumb little girl," the guy said with fire in his eyes, "you really think that you can threaten me with some crap like that? You ungrateful sh*t! You'll get the punishment you deserve." With that he banged my head in the wall once more before grabbing the front of my shirt. Pain and panic shot through me as I wondered why it had to be me. Why did I have to be here? I could be home right now drinking coffee and watching Netflix, not helplessly trying to wriggle, myself from the grip of some stranger trying to attack me. Oh n-

"Hey!" screamed a voice from a few feet away. "Let her go!" the guy paused for a moment in surprise and I took that as an opportunity to knee him in the privates. He groaned in pain and his grip on me faltered and I sloped out of his grip, grabbed my phone and ran towards where I heard the voice.

"You little b*tch!" he called out after me. I heard a car door open and close as he got into his car and the driver chased after me. When looked back to who called for me it was none other than the hunk himself.

"Run towards that car!" Adam ordered, pointing to a shiny black old looking car. I nodded. Although I didn't even know him, I trusted him. I kind of have to now because he might have just saved my innocence. I sped towards the car

and got into the passenger side, luckily it was unlocked.

A few seconds later he slipped into the driver side and sped off. He didn't say anything to me ad he didn't put on his seatbelt either. I was about to comment on that when I realized that this was probably not the time to be worried about that. Instead, I rubbed my fingers along my wrists and saw the bruises that the guy made. I was still shaking.

"Are you okay? "Adam asked once we reached a legal speed. I looked back to see that the car was lost behind us.

"Yea I am now." I said, "That was crazy! I did not know there were thugs like that in a Seattle suburb!"

"There are thugs everywhere, sweetheart. You just have to know where to look." The look in his eyes told me that there was a deeper meaning to his words that what I initially thought.

"Can you just drop me off at home?" I asked. I was so ready to forget that this ever happened and go back to my normal life.

"Uh yea just tell me where you live." He replied.

I gave him the instructions and turned in the radio. Steal My Girl blasts through at full volume. I couldn't contain my giggles. "Why do you have One Direction on the radio?"

He quickly tunes the radio to an oldies station. "My sister was in the car with me earlier. She can't get enough of Harry Stiles." He replied quickly.

"Oh sure" I said back.

"Whatever, what kinds of music do you listen to anyway?" he asks. He pulls up to my neighborhood.

"I like songs with meaning that don't make you sad. Like songs by Casting Crowns or Third Day" I wasn't about to tell this perfect stranger that I write songs and have some pipes of my own.

Adam looked at me, almost sizing me up, and "any secular music?"

"Not really," I pondered "well maybe really popular secular music. And Ed Sheeran. Gosh he knows me better than I do."

Not he's just looking at me like I'm mad. "I guess that makes sense?" but he said it mare like a question rather than a statement.

"Do you speak Amharic? Cuz if you don't we can no longer speak to each other." I joked. But I'm partially serious. As hot as he is he better be able to tell me how hot I am in Amharic. What? I'm modest not insecure.

"Ow echelalew (yes I can)" he smirked at me. I think I've just fallen in love with this boy. Ah he's just so freaking cute. He got it all. But I'm not naïve enough to believe that this boy has it all though. I mean come on these are the kind of boys that are too good to be true.

I see my house in our view. As we near the curb he stopped the car. I feel a pang of disappointment as our ride and our talk ends. "Can I have your number?" I asked. I know, my forwardness surprised me too. "You know just in case we become friends." I shrugged as I unlocked my phone and gave it to him.

He seemed to be weighing this decision. He put the number in gave me a smile then he called himself. I noticed that he had the same ring tone as me, crickets.

"There, now you have mine." He replies with a smirk.

I smiled back and unlocked my seatbelt. I hopped out of the car and slammed the door closed. I stopped to look back into the passenger window and said, "Thanks for what you did back there. I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't stepped in." I said with a shaky smile.

"Uh welcome." He replied with a matching smile. "It wasn't a big deal, you just looked like you could have used the help."

"Actually it was a big deal. Anyways I'll see you around, yeah? I'd invite you in but mom has a no-boys-in-the-house-when-in-not-there policy" I said with disappointment.

He smirked suggestively and I rolled my eyes.

As he pulled out of the curb, his car screeched and he was gone, much to my dismay.

Once I'm in the house, I shut the door and run upstairs to change into some pajama shorts and a tank top. I have a date with Shemar Moore and the BIU.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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