Chapter 2

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"Luke." I said.

"Yeah." He said as we were both looking at the clouds.

"We should go get tattoos." I smiled and looked at him to see his reaction.

"As long as they are matching tattoos." He looked at me smiling which caused me to giggle.

"Definitely." I said and held out my pinky and he locked his with mine.

"Maybe we can get piercings too." He said.

"Yeah but those cant be matching, it would look really weird." I told him.

"Aw. Fine. What kind of piercing would you get, Ar? " He asked me.

"Hmm... probably a eyebrow piercing, oh or maybe a cheekbone piercing, or both..." I giggled "What about you Lukey, what kind of piercing would you get?"

"Well I wanted an eyebrow piercing but since you said we can't be matching then probably my lip." He said as he pushed out his bottom lip trying to look at it.

I laughed at him because he looked so funny trying to see his bottom lip.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" He said.

"Nothing Hemmo." I said poking his chest because I knew how much he hates it when I call him that.

"Okay that's it. You're gonna get it now." He said as he began to tickle me.

"Luke... stop... please." I said in between laughs.


Those were the good old days.

I really hope we can get along like how we used to before the big fight we had.



And that's my cue. Time to get ready for my first day back.

I practically sprinted to the bathroom because if you have wooden floors you know how cold they get in the morning.

I took off all my clothes and started the shower.

I quickly grabbed my strawberry and creme scented body wash and my loofa and began scrubbing my body clean. Then I grabbed my Bed Head shampoo and thoroughly washed my hair.

When I finished I wrapped my towel around my body and went to my dresser to see what I wanted to wear for today. I decided on my Led Zeppelin tank top and my denim shorts. And I threw a black kimono over it just so it looked more planned out.

Then I sat down on the floor in front of my mirror and began to blow dry my hair. After that I curled my hair very loosely so that they were almost beach waves.

I started putting on my makeup. I normally just put on foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a light pink lipstick so that's what I did.

I quickly slipped on some socks so my feet wouldn't get cold when I walked down to eat breakfast.

"Morning." My brother said to me as he was sipping his coffee while watching the news, how lame.

"Hey nerd." I replied as I walked into the kitchen and put a piece of toast in the toaster. Then I grabbed the peanut butter and a banana. And your probably thinking I'm crazy but this is literally the best thing ever.

When the toast popped out I jumped, like always. Then I spread some peanut butter on the toast and cut half of the banana into thin slices and laid it on the peanut butter.

Once I finished eating I grabbed my maroon colored Doc Martins and slipped them on. Then I grabbed my backpack.

"Okay I'm ready Bubby." Bubby is what I call my brother because when I was younger I couldn't say brother right so I said Bubby and it's just kinda stuck with him since then.

"Okay hop in the truck, I need to go grab my jacket." He said as he ran upstairs.

When I got in the truck I got really nervous and I felt like something bad was going to happen.

A few moments later my brother came in the truck and put they keys in. But then my bad feeling came true and the truck wouldn't start.

"Uh Aria, I think your going to have to ride your skateboard to school today." My brother said.

"What? I haven't ridden that thing in over a year." I said.

"Well I guess you could just walk to school." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Ugh! Fine. Love you bye." I said as I got out of the truck.

"Bye." He said as I closed the car door.

I went back into the house and ran upstairs to get my skateboard. Once I found it I ran all the way downstairs and out the door.

I hopped on and began ridding to school. I actually did a lot better then I thought I would considering I haven't skated in over a year.

I was a block away from school when I bumped into someone on my skateboard when I looked at my phone to change the song that was playing.

"Oh shit sorry." I said but when I looked up to see who it was I was paralyzed.



Cliffhanger for you guys 😏 Okay so am I the only one who see's the word "cliffhanger" and think of Michael 😂😂😂 or is it just me ?Lol so do you guys think that Luke will recognize Aria? Oh and the picture is basically what Aria wore and how her hair and piercings look. I also put in the bracelet Luke got Aria for her birthday.

Teenagers • Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now