Ocean Eyes [Damian Wayne x Reader]

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paring: Damian Wayne x wondergirl!reader
summary: It's not fair how he makes you feel, even with only a look. Never, with anyone else, has he ever fallen from quiet this high.
notes: this has taken me two weeks, ten billion re-writes and over 2.5k words, hope you enjoy :)
published on tumblr: feb 10th 2019

[ocean eyes - billie eilish]

Jon spends hours upon hours calling you after every encounter he has with the dynamic duo. Every team up, or League get together. Sometimes he's complaining, how Damian thinks he's so much better, or how Bruce lets Damian do more than Clark lets him. Occasionally he's in awe, of how seamlessly they fight, no need to speak or think, pure instinct and they are the perfect team.

Tonight, there is no need for the phone. Laying under the vast trees planted across the Kent farm, you gaze up at the twinkling fairy lights having helped Kara hang from every possible branch earlier.

The sleek matte black car had arrived only minutes earlier, a contrast to Clarks pick up truck and Diana's jet. As the doors had opened, his eyes were on you, relaxing on the soft blanket, propped up by massive amounts of pillows.

I've been watching you
For some time
Can't stop staring at those oceans eyes

Since you met, it had always been like this, wanting to look away, not wanting to be caught, the thought of anyone seeing the stares meant endless teasing on both behalves.

But you never could, his eyes were like your anchor, the green neverendingly beautiful as it gains darkness by the outside and flecks of brown scatter the middle. In even the darkest of situations, a deep breath and focusing on the ongoing war in Damian Wayne's eyes will centre you instantly.

Some days, when a mission goes wrong or a plan falls through, the brown seems to grow, and he looks as if the world could burn and he would sit and watch.

Others, the green was light enough to be a pale ocean, you may even see a flash of his dimples, it's rare to see sure pure happiness broadcast of his face, eyebrows unscrunching and clenched jaw relaxing.

Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes

Once, and only once, have you let yourself get caught up in your feelings. After walking down these stairs in heels it becomes like a second nature, you don't have to take your eyes off of him the whole way down.

Diana always taught you to show yourself to the world, hide nothing, be genuine. But then again, there he is, suit and tie, glass held gracefully in his hand and your favourite smile on his face.

He turns to look at you, his eyes are bright. Happy. The girl next to him is laughing, her extravagant ball gown perfectly fitting the gala theme and her obvious wealth showing on every part of herself.

From shining heels to designer black dress, she looks so perfect by Damian's side, fitting perfectly into everything he seems to want. Everything that's not you.

You swallow, a burning ignites from deep in your chest, running up to your throat and stinging the backs of your eyes.

The sorrow reaches your mind and you react in the only way you know how: total shutdown. Searching inside yourself you lock your emotions away, burying them deep within your mind and you pray that it will be enough.

A soft smile forms on your lips as you focus on the happiness, directing the fondness at the dazzling couple, the corners of your lips tug up only the smallest amount, but it's enough. Damian turns back to his company.

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