Saviour [batboys x reader]

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paring: batfam x catgirl!reader
summary: Your first time saving each of the batboys
note: poorly edited and probably very ooc
word count: 2k
published on tumblr: feb 3rd 2019


The grey blinds dull the harsh lights that flow through the city at night, you're fifteen, just living by yourself as Selina had disappeared on a two-year long mission she had forgotten to brief you on, but apparently Bruce knew so all was good. Wincing as a particularly bright flash hits your eyes, forcing your gaze to drop to the dark coloured couch, a few light claw marks across the base, but what caught most of your attention was the boy -or young man- sprawled across the centre of your living room.

His dark hair seeming to defy gravity but also hide the top of his forehead, usually crystal eyes closed as his eyelashes rest softly on the highest points of his cheeks. A pink flush dusted across the lightly tan skin and a look that proves he can find peace is woven into his expression.

Last night, he had shown up at your door, eyes red and cheeks blotchy. For the first time, the first real time, Bruce had promised to take away Robin. There had been threats tossed around, empty possibilities, but this time, Dick knew he had meant it.

Robin was his everything, after the accident, it made him feel whole again, gave him a purpose and a reason. The thought of loosing that, loosing his outlet and freedom, was like seeing his family fall all over again -wishing he could stop it but knowing it was done.

Catgirl was your escape, was as much as Robin was his. When you were taken from the streets, you thought your life was over. In reality, it was about to begin. After months of training and preparation, slipping into the leather became a second nature, even a night without it left you empty and missing the thrill of jumping from roof to roof and playing cat and mouse with your favourite bat and bird.

A slightly heavier puff of air leaves his lungs and you know he's awake. Crouching down by the end of the couch, your arm hesitates midway to his hair. Shaking your head, you brush the strands from resting above his eyes.

"You awake, Birdy?" Failing to hide the smirk playing on his lips, he nods, doesn't open his eyes. "You shouldn't be, it's like two in the morning." He nuzzles further into your soft touch and your heart leaps from your chest and catches in your throat.

"No~" His voice is low and scratchy, but a nice difference from the high-pitched tone he uses in costume, a real sound, not faked for Bruce and his ideals.

"Yes~" Your breath falls in huffs, not quite enough energy for a laugh, "I'm going to make a call, go back to sleep." His groan proves that you are only waking him further. "If you sleep now, just for a little longer, I'll have breakfast ready in the morning." He snuggles back into the few covers you could find for him and accepts your offer. Breakfast clearly sounding better than sleep deprivation.

Swiftly standing, you slide your phone from the coffee table and dial without much thought of the numbers, knowing them off by heart since you were barely eleven. Raising the device to your ear, you sigh at the answering voice.

"Bruce, you must be mad to let him go..."


Not even a year since Dick had left and a new Robin meets you atop the store roof, arms crossed but a grin on his face. Only after the brief pursue did you learn it was because of all the tales Bruce had told him, and how he saw you as a Robins other half, much like Batman couldn't live without Joker. He wasn't far off, and he was good at keeping conversation.

The second time you met him, he was curled the alley just across from your high-class apartment, head leant back against the cold brick and dirt stuck under his curled fingers.

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