Secrets of the Ocean [aquaman x wayne!reader]

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paring: arthur curry x wayne!reader
summery: the reader and arthur have been dating for a while now... and the world's greatest detective still hasn't caught on
note: i added dick because with the ages shouldn't we be at least late jay early timbo now?
word count: 3k
published on tumblr: jan 27th 2019

You have always been the queen, of Gotham, of Wayne Industries, of the family Bruce was building. You are the ruler who is harsh but fair, cruel but kind. Behind the scene but pulling the strings even if your face is always in the spotlight.

As Bruce Wayne's younger sister, you've always had a lot to live up too, barely born when your parents were murdered, you were never filled with the vengeance and anger your brother was. This made you the only one he listens to, his rock, who can keep him under control, grounded. But not just Bruce, Batman as well.

Not too long after he donned the cowl, you took up the mantle as his partner, Angel, fighting side by side and always keeping him from crossing that line. When Dick came along, you took a step back, let him have his fun, the dynamic duo. But you were also the newest heroes support, knowing he would need it after working with Bruce, also well aware he wasn't the best at encouragement.

You always supported him in his after dark activities, and were more than happy to help recruit. When Diana basically came to you, a clear sign something was wrong, with her explanation of the warning fire, you suddenly became far more enthusiastic about hiking to the mountainous fishing village. But to be honest, you wish the reasoning for your visit was in better spirits.

"I'm asking for your help." Bruce stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by the villagers, and one clear outlier "I believe there's a stranger, comes to this village from the sea." Staring at the man, clearly the one Brice is looking for, you release a small puff of air, even inside the building, it fogs slightly. "He comes in the winter, when the people are hungry. He comes on the king tide." Bruce's plan of playing dumb, baiting him to reveal himself is really working, he is getting angry for sure. "That was last night."

"Icebergs in the harbour." You try to keep your face straight as he covers for himself, "four months since the last ship got through."

"Well this stranger doesn't come by ship." You stop listening, allowing the words of both men and the soft village chatter to fade out, instead focusing on the paintings and drawings on the walls.

"Can you at least point me to Atlantis." He must have a death wish.

As if in slow motion, your senses flash to the tensing shoulders, his fingers releasing from a fist and straightening. You watch as his arm flashes forward, grasping your brother by his coat, lifting him off the ground and into a the stone wall behind them. Without flinching, your reflexes kick in. You slide in between the two men with ease, your elbow lifting to hit his nose, while your boots heel locks with his shin. Waiting until you feel him let go of Bruce in shock, you shove him away with your side, spinning to stand next to your brother.

"We only want to talk." You show no fear, but also try not to smirk when you see his shocked face after almost a month.

He scoffs, but signals for you to follow him outside anyway. As Bruce slips past him, you roll your eyes, why on earth would you put a tracker in his coat, he's going to take it off anyway. Aaaaaand he could just ask you.

"So let me get this straight, you dress up like a bat?" A laugh leaves your lips, upon seeing Arthur's eyes flash to yours, you bite down on your smile. "Like an actual bat?"

"It's worked for twenty years in Gotham."

"And you?" His gaze never moves from yours, his piercing blue eyes on yours, "What's your theme?" You almost blow your cover when you see the gorgeous colour.

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