Chapter Four

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I shot up in my bed, gasping for air.

I turned around to turn on my lamp but froze when I saw Le, staring at me with the same expression I knew I'd be wearing if I looked into a mirror.

"Please don't tell me you had the exact same dream," she said, eyes still wide with shock.

"Um, would it be better if I said that I didn't even though I'd be lying?"


Both of us stared at each other for what seemed like ages, until I finally said, "I thought that was a legend! There's no way the universe was ruled by one person for gosh knows how long."

Le ignored me. "Does this mean we have Esero in our blood? But then wouldn't Dad or Mom have Esero as well?"

"Well, the prophecy says Two. Dad's entire line . . . has always been one child per generation until us."

Le muttered something that sounded like, "Oh, for the sake of . . . well everything . . ."

"Hang on, my brain is going to explode. This is all so confusing."

Le rolled her eyes. "Is it that hard to piece together? It's obvious. That was Unity. How she entered our brains in our dreams, I have no idea. But . . . we're Two, I guess. And we're supposed to unite and become one? Because we have Esero in our blood. And we somehow become Unity and we will bring the Universe together as One."

"And? Why does that make us special? And how does that even work?" I rambled, obviously stressed out.

"Honestly, I have no idea," she admitted, playing with the ends of her hair. "She looks exactly like us."

"I know, right? I was so surprised. Honestly, I thought everything was a legend."

"You already told me that, Jeyleanne. Besides, we have more problems to deal with. She wants to see us tomorrow. She's going to . . . descend to the Earth or whatever. And she wants us to meet her."

"And what do you think will happen if we don't?

"Good question."

I groaned loudly and flopped back down onto my bed. "Seriously? What is my life?! All I ever wanted was a peaceful and not-so-hard life and now you're telling me that I'm destined to rule this Universe?"

"Sounds about right."

"Look, we have to go meet her," I said, turning onto my side to face my sister. "We have to. I don't care if we have to sneak out of this spaceship and swim in waters infested in gosh-knows-what to get to that cave. We have to. I need answers."

"Well, I wasn't going to say I wouldn't let us go, because I want answers too. The real question right now is . . . are we going to tell?"



"Nope, we're not telling anyone. I mean, fine, Carlie already knows I can understand these people and what they're saying, but that doesn't mean he has to know anything else."

"Ah, yes, of course, I forgot you told Carlie."

I glare at Le. "Shut up."

"Anyway, tomorrow night. We have to figure out how to get to that bridge."

"We can . . . steal a boat?"

"Mhm, and tell me, do you know how to navigate to where the bridge is?"

"Um . . . can we steal one of the radars?"

Le gives me a bored stare. "That is not going to work." She's quiet for a moment, thinking. "Oh, well . . . it's going to be a very big risk. But, I have an idea."


"We can pretend to get lost."


"I'm not done, Jey. We pretend we get lost and separated from the group when our parents drag us to the land tomorrow. And then, we ask for directions to the bridge, find the cave before nightfall, and kaboom! We can meet her."

"That is an even dumber idea, Leone. Mom and Dad are going to panic when they don't see us on the boat back to the spaceship. And also, um, Carlie . . ."

"Ugh, you and your boyfriend," Le mutters under her breath."

"He's not my boyfriend! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Yeah, and how many times do I have to tell you that you guys stare at each other all mushy gushy when you're together?"

"You have never told me that."

"Have I not? Oh well, I just did. If he's going to notice you're missing, then we just have to make sure he stays on the spaceship."

"A movie!" I exclaimed suddenly.

Le stared at me. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I need you to help me find a new movie! Well, you think we can reach the radiation signals and such from all the way out here? I mean, there's no civilization . . ."

"Why don't you tell me your plan first so I'm not a clueless duck?"

I rolled my eyes, again. "Jeez. Fine. So Carlie's really into new movies and such, you know that right?" I continued without waiting for her to reply. "Anyway, if we find a streaming platform or something, like CloudWatch, then he'll be stuck on the spaceship for the whole day. Guaranteed."

"You have weird friends."

I glared at her. "Yeah, and you don't have any."

"That's because they're all on Mrres!" she defended, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, the point is, we need to find a new movie. And fast."

"Well, aren't you taking a computer course in school right now?"

"Um, yeah, but what does that have to do with anything. Besides, we won't be going back to Mrres anytime soon, so honestly, those classes don't matter anymore. Mom and Dad made us drop all of our classes, remember?"

"Haha, yeah. Thank you for reminding me. Jeyleanne, computers. Work your brains. Computers."

My mouth dropped open. "No way. I did not learn how to sift information from other electrical sources, much less this planet's electrical sources. How am I going to find a movie?"

"Um, because you always manage to do things that people think you can't?" I opened my mouth to interject, but she cut me off. "And that's a compliment."

"Look, in order for me to sift information, I have to have a laptop, which I don't."

"I do."

My head snapped up and I stared at my sister in surprise. "What?"

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