Late Entry

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The second Battler was woefully underprepared, bringing only one pokemon who could barely get even a few hits off on Cheren's Patrat. The final challenger, the one Ethan battled earlier fared a little better at least making it to Lillipup but didn't have the strength to do both with just his Buizel. League rules stated that a trainer is allowed as many pokemon as the gym leader has on their team, in this case, 2 so I was surprised to see two other battlers with one pokemon each. After all the battles were done and Ethan was still a no show I decided to sit down for a while. Cheren had already done all the challenger battles for now and I had no real reason to be in the gym, so I headed back out into the school. I sat down at my usual table with a book about fairy types. As the most recently discovered type there was still lots we didn't know about them, it was a revolutionary discovery that caused some pokemon and their moves to be reclassified. First seen in the Kalos region fairy types are now fairly widespread, we even have a few right here in Unova. While I was reading I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Cheren looking down at me.
"Still no word from your friend?" He asked quietly. I shook my head. "why don't you go looking for him? You've spent plenty of time around here, so you must be a pretty decent trainer. Besides, you seem worried."
"I am worried about him, he was really pumped to challenge you today. I can't go chasing after him though."
"Well, why not?" He cut me off, pulling up a chair next to me
"I'm not allowed to leave town, never have been."
"You're... not a trainer, are you?" His gaze focused on me.
"No, I don't have my licence or a pokemon," I responded coldly.
"But you want one, don't you. That's why you're here almost every day." I nodded, trying not to look too downtrodden.
"I was wondering why in six years I'd never seen you battle, despite being one of my regulars." All of the sudden, my Xtransciever started ringing. I quickly pulled it from my bag and out of its case, it was Ethan.
I picked up the call and headed outside, gesturing to Cheren that I'd be back. The call connected, and I could see Ethan smiling on the screen.
"Hey Lexi, sorry I'm running a bit late. Got held up in Floccesy."
"A bit late? It's been almost 3 hours, what happened?" I couldn't help but raise my voice a little.
"An old friend needed a spot of help. Sorry for not calling."
"I've been worried sick dude, you can't scare me like that."
"Cheren still taking challengers?"
"For another couple hours, or so" Cheren chimed in from behind me.
"Right, I'll be there soon, I'm just outside town so make sure he's ready." Ethan hung up before I could respond. I slid the Xtranceiver back into my bag and turned to face the gym leader who'd followed me outside.
"Guess you have another challenger after all," I said. Feeling a little better now I'd actually spoken to Ethan again.
"Guess so, glad your friend's alright. I'll make sure to put on a special show for you two. I hope he's ready." He chuckled a little as he went back inside. I decided to head back up to route 19 and meet Ethan there.
He beat me there and I ended up bumping into him a short way from the school. I gave him a soft jab on the shoulder.
"Don't scare me like that again, at least answer when I call you okay?"
"Heh, sorry Lexi. It was important" he stated in his usual upbeat tone. I noticed he had a second Pokeball on his belt. Odd, as far as I knew Royce was his only Pokemon. I didn't say anything, assuming he had some big reveal planned for the battle. He tied the armbands I saw him in earlier back around his wrists.
"What's with the getup?" I teased
"It's my trademark, how people are gonna recognise me when I'm tearing up the gym circuit." I couldn't help but chuckle
"What?" He groaned playfully
"Nothing, I just think it's cute," I told him. We both walked into the trainer's school, but he decided to dramatically kick the door for the gym open. It doesn't even have a handle.
"Took you long enough" Cheren jested from the other side of the gym.
"It's called fashionably late" Ethan retorted, not missing a beat. He took his place on the challenger pedestal "I'm here to challenge you."
"Naturally" Cheren replied.
"Dude, you had this booked like a week in advance." I teased. Of course, he didn't have to. Challenges are usually walk-ins within certain timeframes but Ethan always did have a flair for the dramatic.
"Well, show me what you got then," Cheren called out, the arena light flashing a deep red before fading to their usual blue.
"Challenger Ethan Jepp steps up to face leader Cheren of Aspertia City. League rules indicate that both teams be allowed 2 Pokemon, the challenger may switch out at any time while the leader may only switch on faint. Brief timeouts will be held between rounds and the first to win two rounds will be declared the winner." The announcer cried out.
Wait, this is being televised? I thought to myself, they only do this little shtick when the battle is being broadcast nationally. A glance around confirmed that cameras were rolling. Man, live on TV. I Hope Ethan can take the pressure.
"Alright Royce let's show 'em what we're made of," Ethan called sending his Geodude to battle, Cheren, of course, sent his Patrat, without a word.
"The challenger sends out Geodude to match the leaders Patrat, In 3, 2, 1, BATTLE!" The announcer chimed in starting the battle off formally. Patrat's eyes closed immediately, wasting no time in getting itself worked up. However its focus was broken as a rock smashed into it, knocking it back. I glanced over to see Royce already preparing to throw another, Patrat dodged the second rock with ease. Hitting Royce with a tackle as he was trying to prepare the next one. Royce responded with a punch, as Patrat bit his arm, sending Patrat flying across the arena before digging his hands into the ground, causing a violent shake to cross through the field.

"Jump, quick!" Cheren called out, but it was too late, the ground under Patrat collapsed leaving a small crater and causing the rodent to fall backwards. A puff of steam came off as it tumbled back. Royce had launched himself with his arms and was going in for another hit, landing a firm hit on Patrat's shoulder, more steam came off the rodent as its eyes opened and it struck Royce with its head, with a puff of steam which dissipated quickly. Patrat was obviously hurt. But Royce's breathing was steady, there's no way he shrugged that off easily though. Patrat went in full force with a charging attack but was interrupted by yet another rock that was thrown by Royce, the rodent stopped dead in its tracks a few feet from its target and collapsed, Seeing its third defeat for the day.
"Patrat is unable to battle, Geodude wins round one. A crushing loss, Can our challenger hold his advantage, or will Cheren sweep victory back at the last moment?" The announcer cried, clearly hyping it up more than necessary.
"Way to go, Royce, hold it together one more round and let's take this home," Ethan called out, his bravado shining through. I let out a cheer, after all, I am meant to be supporting them, not just watching. Ethan glanced over at me and pumped his fist in the air.
"Well played Ethan, I knew this battle was one to look forward to, Show me what you've got" Cheren boasted, playing to the audience. By this point a few other trainers in the gym had also gathered around a white light covered the stage as Cheren's Lillipup was brought out to fight, the stage lights faded from blue to purple as the announcer cried out
"Round two, Geodude stays in as Lillipup comes out. Let's see how tough this rock type is in 3, 2, 1, Battle!"
Not only was Lillipup stronger, but it had also trained more than Patrat had, it's what some people like to call an ace.
Steely determination washed over its face as it watched Royce carefully. Easily sidestepping his first two rock throws before closing its eyes, focusing once again. Royce dug his hands into the ground on Ethan's command, trying my trick again. The ground gave way under one of Lillipup's feet, but the creature didn't falter, a familiar orange aura surrounding it before it charged forth, tackling Royce and immediately following into a bite on one of his arms.
Royce was able to counterattack, landing a solid punch on Lillipups cheek knocking it away as he curled his arms into his body, the cracks fading away as his core became more compressed. A light blue aura surrounded him as he readied himself to throw another rock at Lillipup, The puppy dodged again, but this time right into the attack as Ethan had predicted the action and had Royce throw deliberately off target. Lillipup landed two more tackles before the orange glow subsided. Both of the creature's breathing was heavy, but neither was ready to concede. Digging his hands into the ground once again Royce channelled another magnitude. Lillipup jumped again however this time landing before the attack finished, a crater opened up right underneath where the pup landed. Lillipup's leg got stuck in the softened ground and Royce was able to land another rock throw. The blue light fading away and the cracks on his body reappearing. His fierce expression was cracked slightly by his laboured breathing. Neither 'mon could take much more. Lillipup tackled once again, being met with Royce's fist head-on biting down on his hand as the attacks collided. The blue band around Royce's arm came loose, infolding slightly without coming off. A few moments passed with the two just staring at each other before Lillipup collapsed. Its eyes once more replaced with spirals. Royce limply held his arms in the air, it was clear he was exhausted too.
"Lillipup is unable to battle the winner is the challenger Ethan and his Geodude in a photo finish." The announcer cried out, holding up a purple flag and facing the cameras.
Sure enough, as soon as the battle was confirmed Royce's arms went limp as he too fell unconscious. A red light engulfed both pokemon as they were recalled, Ethen and Cheren stepped down from their pedestals meeting in the middle of the arena shaking hands firmly.
"In honour of your battling talent and bond with your pokemon it is my duty to bestow you with this, the basic badge," Cheren said in his professional voice.
"Thank you, it was a great battle you fought well and gave Royce a pretty hard time. However, I have someone of my own to congratulate. Lexi, get up here." I stepped onto the field and Ethan took my hand, holding it up above both of our heads. "The only reason I was able to win today was thanks to her help and strategising ahead of time. Also, just having such a great friend at my side gives me the strength to do anything." He announced directly into the camera. I couldn't help but blush a little, it was both sweet and embarrassing as heck. They took the cameras off of us and onto their TV caster to sign off the match. And Ethan and I both went off to leave the gym.

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