Feral Finale

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"Lexi... is that?" Ethan took a step back as he spoke quietly to me.
"Yep... Feral Rhyhorn." I glanced across at Erah, still trying to find their balance on the now uneven ground. Several people in league uniforms had begun waving the crowd back, away from the fight, even the news crews were required to leave. It wasn't unheard of for people to try and train feral pokemon due to them being noticeably stronger but the naturally calming effect pokeballs usually have doesn't work on them, so they retain all of their wild tendencies even after capture. Most trainers attempting to control ferals end up hurt or worse. Even in battle, they can be a liability, often attacking their own teammates or even their trainer instead of the opponent. Within seconds the ground had begun to vibrate as the Rhyhorn had begun charging directly at Erah who barely managed to sidestep the attack, sinking deeper into the sand as a result. Rhyhorn kept charging forward, tearing down a section of fencing before skidding to a stop and turning around. Another charge following thereafter, this time with its head pointed down, the horn on its head aglow with white light, it charged straight past Erah, towards Ester, who had only now regained their footing, unable to evade in time the Dewott took the full brunt of the attack, the large horn pressing into her before jerking upward, sending her flying over the larger pokemon's back, tumbling back to the ground before landing with a thud, a volume of sand being displaced by her landing.  She didn't get back up. A trail of red light returned her to Ethans' hand with a grunt.
"Damn, after only one hit." He spoke under his breath before sending out his second Pokemon. I looked across at Erah, He was in better shape than Ester was, but was clearly running out of energy. His fist was clenched and had already begun to glow with that same, steely energy.
"Erah," I called out. "Change of plans, forget trying to save your energy. Hit it with everything you've got!" The Riolu looked back at me, A faint smile of understanding crossed their lips as they nodded before turning back. Erah's fist glowed brighter, his gaze was unwavering towards the rampant Rhyhorn.  Within moments he disappeared, a trail appearing in the sand as he struck the leg of the feral creature, following immediately with a slash from his left hand, claws charged with that same energy. Rhyhorn didn't even flinch as the attacks connected, Turning its head to glare at Erah, Jabbing him with its horn before pushing him away and beginning another charge. Erah stumbled from the momentum of the push, though he didn't seem hurt. His hands dug into the sand as he fell forward in an attempt to counterbalance. As Rhyhorn charged forward its horn became charged with the same white light as before. As the charge connected Erah caught the horn between his hands, being pushed back by the force of the larger creature's movement. As Erah's back legs dug deeper into the sand, pushing a trail out behind him due to the resistance a slight crater opened under the Rhyhorns front leg, causing it to lose balance and toss Erah backward as it tripped. the Riolu barely stuck the landing, as Royce pulled his hands from the ground. Looking at the size of the crater it seemed like the sandy field had increased Royce's power with his ground attacks. Erah gave his ally a quick nod before charging his fist once more. Royce dug his hands into the sand once more, pulling a double hand clump of sand, holding it all together as it eventually returned to the same clay-like substance the field was originally made of. Erah dashed forward, landing another bullet punch before ducking out of the way of Royce's projectile, this time his hand became charged with dark red energy and he balled his fist tighter than before, landing a solid punch directly against Rhyhorns cheek, causing small cracks to appear in the armour-like plates making up its body. Did Erah just learn a new move mid-fight? I thought to myself before watching him once more get impaled by the rock types horn before getting tossed across the arena again. Royce had to brace himself as the Riolu turned projectile struck him directly. The attack and hard impact proved too much for Erah to handle in his weakened state, the blue pokemon was rendered completely unconscious. staring directly at me with a pair of spirals. I recalled the fainted pokemon with a whisper
"You did great out there, now let us finish this for you," I spoke gently to the metallic sphere in my hand. "Alright Silas, get out there, let's finish this." 

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