Floccesy Town

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I slowly opened my eyes, The white ceiling practically blinded me. Wait, a ceiling? And I'm laying down. They must have moved me somewhere. As my senses came back to me I realised my arms were laying slack at my sides, I was wrapped in a thin blanket and my head was pounding. I became aware of a faint, repetitive beeping coming from my left side. I looked around as far as I could without actually moving my head, The beeping was coming from a heart rate monitor. And a thin plastic tube was connected to my right arm as well as a small plastic bag hanging from a metal post. Some kind of a hospital? Slowly I began to sit up taking in my surroundings properly. I was definitely in a hospital room, the blanket covering me fell off and I noticed that someone had changed my clothes to a simple white loose-fitting dress of some kind. My bag was sitting in a corner of the room, my clothes were also sitting on a bench on the other side of the room, along with my Pokeball holder.
"Where the hell am I?" I said quietly. Soon after, I heard the door start to come open. Looking over I expected to see one of my captors but was instead greeted by a pokemon. It had pink and cream skin and large ears with long protrusions coming out of the bottoms. It was dressed in a white nurse's outfit, complete with a baseball cap with a red plus on the front. "Audino?" I said without even really thinking. The pokemon seemed startled by the fact I was awake and immediately scurried away behind the door. "HEY! come back" I called out, hoping naively that it would listen to me. I tried to get out of the bed and follow it only to realise the equipment was effectively keeping me here. "Ugh, really tired of being tied up here." I huffed before falling back onto the barely noticeable pillow behind my head. That was a nurse's outfit. Am I in a pokemon centre? My question was answered much quicker than I expected as my door burst open again, this time another person had barged into my room. A nurse no doubt, dressed in a more formal version of the Audino's outfit.
"You're awake!" She blurted out
"Yeah... do you mind telling me where I am though? I don't know how I got here."
"You're in one of the patient chambers at Floccesy town Pokemon Center. A boy carried you in here unconscious a couple of weeks ago."
"That must be Ethan. Wait, did you say a couple of WEEKS?"
"Yes, you've been unconscious for 16 days now. You were covered in bruises and had some minor head trauma, we've been taking care of you since."
"Wait. Where's Silas? Please tell me you have him!" The nurse looked at me confused for a moment.
"If you mean the Eevee you were brought in with, he's fine, your friend offered to take care of him until you woke up, they've checked in with you every day at about 2 pm."
"Thank god."
"They also told us about what had happened to you, and let me be the first to say, you don't have to worry anymore, we have every ranger in the area searching for the men who did this to you."
"Thank you, they were some kind of Pokemon hunters, but they were trying to take Silas away."
"We know, your Eevee was very descriptive of the events that day."
"Wait, you talked... to Silas?"
"Well yeah, of course we did."
"We're a pokemon hospital hon, we have trained translators for situations exactly like this."
"I guess that makes sense."
"Now I'm sure you're eager to get out of here and back to your friends, but first I have to run a few tests to make sure your mental and motor functions are still intact."
"Okay, hit me."
"How many fingers am I holding up?" She held out her hand
"And can you tell me your name?"
"Alexis Evans."
"Any idea of today's date?"
"Well, you said I was out for 16 days. So it should be the 4th of September."
"Very good." She begins to take all the equipment off of me, starting with the needle in my wrist. "Think you can stand?"
"Yeah, I should be alright." I pulled myself to the edge of the bed, dangling my legs over the side before standing up, I almost lost my balance immediately, my legs felt like jelly, but I managed to hold myself upright.
"Balance seems fine, you may feel weak for a few days because you haven't been using your muscles at all."
"Yeah, I can already tell."
"For safety reasons, we can't dispatch you alone, but your friends should be here in about an hour, feel free to get changed and you're welcome to wait in the lobby until they arrive."
"Cool, thanks for your help."
"It's just what we do ma'am, stay safe and take it easy for a while huh? Don't want you winding up back here again."
"Yeah, I'll try." As our exchange finished she left the room, leaving me alone once more. I stagger over to the bench with my belongings. Sitting down I change back into my day clothes, clipping my holster to the hip of my skirt. I pick up my bag and slowly make my way back out to the lobby.

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