Chapter 3- One Big Disappointment

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Chapter 3- One Big Evening

At five o’clock, I said goodbye to my friends and sprinted out to car. Mum was waiting patiently. She must have only just pulled up as she hadn’t even had time to pull out her tablet.

The entire journey home, I was almost jumping out of my seat, so eager to get to the mail. Mum hadn’t even killed the engine when I hopped out of the car and bolted into the house. I flung my bag in the corner, pulled off my shoes and started to rake through the mail.

I couldn’t find it, there was no letter. This couldn’t be right. I checked again. Then a third time, and still nothing. After combing through the mail six times I turned to my mum and pleaded, “Where is it?”

She looked very sad and apologetic. “I'm sorry Megan. It didn’t come today.”

I couldn’t believe it. I’d been so excited all day, yet all of a sudden I just felt empty. I had really gotten myself worked up over a silly little thing and the disappointment hit me hard.

“Well that was a day of excitement wasted…” I said sadly as I wandered to my room, grabbing my bag as I went. My mum looked like she felt very bad for me and maybe even a little guilty but it’s not like it was her fault. She can't control the mail.

After I had emptied my school bag, I took a lovely long shower. It helped me relax a lot and I made sure to sing at the top of my voice.

“You’re insecure, don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the do-oo-or.”

Being in the shower also gave me time to think about how worked up I had been. It was a little silly I guess and I'm sure the tickets will come tomorrow, but I just can't help it. I love them so much. Their music is amazing and they seem like such nice guys. I just want to go to see my favourite band with my best friend and have a good time, is that too much to ask for? I'm not even meeting them for petes sake I'm just going to be watching from afar, but it’s good enough for me.

After scrubbing myself clean, I helped my mum make dinner. I was feeling rather helpful for some strange reason; I guess I was just trying to hide how sad I was. However I wasn't just sad, I was angry. Mainly at myself for getting my hopes up so much. I mentally slapped myself as I stirred the pasta in the pan.

"Megan... Is everything ok?" My mum's soft caring voice startled me, causing my feet to jolt slightly. I spun around quickly, snapping out of my own thoughts and back into reality.

'Yes its fine, why wouldn't it be?” I answered, my tone slipping into something that could have been considered harsh.

“You just looked a little annoyed at something that’s all.” Replied my mum, clearly unfazed by my snappy attitude. I sighed slowly a sheepish smile appearing on my face.

“Don’t worry about me mum, I'm great. As always.” I forced a more convincing smile onto my face as I turned back and continued stirring the pasta.

“Well could you go a bit easier on the pasta then please? You're stirring our dinner not a witches’ potion.” As she turned away I heard my mother laugh at her own joke. I chuckled under my breath at her silliness and focused on gently cooking the food in front of me.


As I placed my fork in my empty bowl, I moved to stand up from the table, only to be halted by my dad’s hand.

“Wait a minute Megs.” He halted as I sat back down in my seat, looking very confused. “You're cleaning up tonight…”

“I always clean up dad.” I stated, casually interrupting him. He smiled slightly but continued, pretending to ignore my interference.

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