Chapter 1- One Excited Morning

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Chapter 1- One Exicted Morning

3months ago

My eyes snapped open as my mind geared into action. Sunlight streamed in gently through my bedroom window, along with a cool winter chill. It was another beautiful Australian morning. A huge smile spread across my face as I realised what the day was. Today was Tuesday 23rd July 2013. It may have looked like any other ordinary Tuesday, but it wasn’t. It was exactly three months before the One Direction concert in Sydney and today is the day I get my pre ordered tickets.

Oh wow… Words cannot describe how excited I am right now. One Direction is my favourite band and I love them.

Flinging myself out of bed I made my way over to my wardrobe to get dressed. Covering the doors, were a few posters of the boys. So before opening the wardrobe I took a few moments to appreciate how perfect they were. Laughing at my silliness I opened the door and grabbed my uniform. It may be a special day for me but the country still wanted me to attend school.

I pulled my senior shirt over my head and started to put my bag together for the day. After checking that I had everything I needed, I flung it over my shoulder, grabbed my folder and gym bag and headed to the kitchen.

My mother sat at the breakfast bar eating her cereal and doing a Sudoku puzzle. She looked up when she saw me coming into the kitchen.

“Morning Megan.”

I dumped my bag next to my seat and smiled at my mum.

“Good morning mum. Isn’t today such a beautiful day?” I replied, grinning like an idiot. She looked slightly amused as I bounced over to the fridge and grabbed yoghurt and some fruit. I pulled the other chair around so I could sit on it and proceeded with eating my strawberry yoghurt.

My mum, Jane, was still looking at me funny. I swivelled round towards her and raised an eyebrow in a questioning look. I was really testing her to see if she had remembered how awesome today was and how important it was to me. I wasn’t holding my breath that she would though.

“You are in a very good mood, considering you have to go out in half an hour to be at extension.” She asked thoughtfully. I could see that she was still trying to figure it out- I wasn’t going to be any help what so ever. So I just shrugged and continued eating my breakfast.

“It’s a nice day that’s all.” I said through a mouthful of banana. She shook her head, slightly amused again, and started to clear her dish away. After she had grabbed my spoon, she turned on the dishwasher and lent back against the counter, drinking her coffee.

“Ok what is it? What has you in such a great mood?” She asked, seemingly tired of trying to figure out what was going on in my complicated brain. I grinned and popped a grape in my mouth, swivelling from side to side.

“Ok then, so either you’re not going to tell me or you can’t tell me.” She stated slowly. I finished off my fruit and put the remains in the bin.

“I’m not going to tell you because you should already know. And if you don’t know then I am not going to tell you anyway because you should have remembered.” I said a matter-of-factly.  Mum contemplated over this for a minute, while slowly sipping her coffee.  She eventually looked and me and asked, “Hint?”

I laughed slightly and racked my brain for a small hint that I could give her. Nothing too obvious, I didn’t want to make it easy. At this point though I could probably get away with saying anything.

“I haven’t shut up about it for fifteen months.”

In my opinion that was a pretty generous hint. It did take her a second but she found the right idea behind it.

“One Direction?” She asked and I nodded slowly, motioning with my hand, indicating there was more. “Something to do with One Direction...” The cogs started working faster in her brain; I could see her flicking through ideas in her head. She was so close! If only she could pick up on this fine detail.

I stifled some laughter. It was rather amusing watching her figure out something that was so obvious. Minutes began to tick by and I hurriedly realised we were both going to be late if we didn’t hurry up, so I decided to end her suffering.

“Mum you can stop trying to work it out, I’ll tell you.” I said reluctantly. The puzzled look on mums face was instantly replaced by a curious one.

“You were right about it involving One Direction. I just can’t believe you forgot. The tickets arrive in the mail today!” I said slightly disappointed I had to cut my fun short but happy all the same.

Realisation washed over mum and she hit herself in the head for being such a dummy.

“I can’t believe I forgot! Well we will see them when we get home, what are your plans for after school?” She asked moving out of the kitchen into the corridor. I smiled and followed heading towards the bathroom.

“I can’t believe you did either! I’m going to the gym with Libby, so can you pick me up at 5?” I asked nicely, she nodded and walked down the corridor to her bedroom to finish getting ready for the day. I turned to the bathroom and proceeded to do the same by flicking my straighteners on as I walked by them.

After I was washed, teeth cleaned, hair straight, I applied I little bit of mascara and went back to the kitchen to grab my stuff. I glanced at the clock and sped up my actions, I had to be at school by eight and it was seven fifty, I was definitely pushing it.

“Mum!” I yelled down the corridor. “We’ve got to go, or I’m going to be late.

“Coming!” She yelled back as she hurried towards me. I pulled on my converse shoes, grabbed my jumper from the laundry room and jumped into the car.

Moments later the garage door went up and mum got in next to me. She reversed us out of the garage and down the drive.

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