Chapter 4- One Morning Packing

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 Chapter 4- One Morning Packing

Wow! The morning of the 23rd October 2013. The day had finally come. It started off like any other day, yet a different sort of feeling flowed in the air. It was going to be the greatest day of my life so far.

I lay in bed for quite a while, contemplating what was to come. I could already feel excitement bubbling up in my stomach at the thought of the say ahead. I dressed slowly, putting on some comfy shorts and my One Direction hoodie. I was taking every moment of the day seriously and I wanted to remember every detail for a long time to come.

I opened the other side of my wardrobe and pulled out my overnight suitcase. I dropped it onto my bed and un-zipped the purple front. I then proceeded to fill it with everything I needed for the trip to Sydney; including the perfect outfit for the concert that Libby and I had picked out ages ago.

The packing took less time than I had thought it would, so I headed to the kitchen for breakfast. However, the excitement in my stomach was so crazy that I had no appetite. Opening the fridge, I just stood and stared at its contents, with nothing in particular jumping out at me.

“Morning M, what are you having this morning?”

Sighing, I closed the fridge and faced my mum. I shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m not that hungry and nothing looks good anyway…” I trailed off, now looking through food in the pantry.

“We have a four hour car drive ahead of us, you need to eat something.” I could hear how authoritarian my mums tone had become as my eyes continued to scan the boxes of food. “How about some fruit?” Mum suggested happily, her mood instantly lifting. I closed the doors to the pantry and nodded. Fruit definitely sounded better than nothing. While I retrieved my breakfast mum made hers- shredded wheat and milk with strawberries and sugar.

“Are you all packed?” Mum asked as she sat down at the breakfast bar with her bowl. With my mouth full of apple I nodded and sat down next to her. As I munched my breakfast, I swung round and round on my swivel chair, making my head go a bit funny. I heard my mum laugh under her breath so I spun to face her with a questioning look on my face.

“A bit excited?” Teased my mum as she put her puzzle book away, after only having it out for a couple of minutes. She was obviously in a different mood today because it was not a normal day!

“That could be the understatement of the century!” I said happily, a big smile covering my face that I was unable to wipe away.

Shaking her head mum said, “You and your obsessions. We had hoped you would grow out of this one, but apparently not. Just do me a favour…” I nodded enthusiastically as if to say I would do anything, “Please try and behave in the car. Your dad is tired enough and he is probably sick of One Direction by now.”  I nodded once again in understanding and showing I wholeheartedly agreed with her.

Seconds later, Dad appeared in the kitchen. Mum was right, he did look tired but he tried to force a smile on to his face for my benefit. A wave of guilt washed over me; I felt rather bad that I was making dad drive us to Sydney when he was so under the weather. However, I quickly brushed it off, he wouldn’t want me feeling that way;so I returned the smile with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. 

“Good morning dad!” I said cheerily pulling him in for a big hug. Dad laughed and hugged me back wishing me good morning as well.

“Are you all ready to go?” He asked as he pulled back. After letting me go he went over to the pantry and grabbed an esky bag; which he then proceeded to fill with cold drinks and ice for the journey. 

I passed him bottles of water, talking while we worked. “Yes I am all packed and ready. I will go and get Libby in a minute.”

“Ok, first go and bring me your suitcase so I can pack it in the car.”

“Sure thing!” I replied and headed back to my room.  After grabbing my suitcase and handbag, I rushed outside to where dad was packing the car.

“Here you go.” I said placing the purple case at his feet. He smiled in thanks and started putting it in the car as I headed over to my red Hyundai Getz; affectionately known as Kevin- partly because of the pigeon but mainly because Kevin was the best name for a car. 

Hopping in, I slipped the key in the ignition and shut the door. After putting the car in drive, I headed out of our street and towards Libby’s. 

This seriously has to be the best part about being seventeen- Driving on your own. I had only passed my driver’s test a few weeks ago so it was weird driving without an adult in the passenger seat. However, I did love the freedom of it.

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