One - Previously and so far

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Ever since that night where Doyoung kissed you, he has treated you better and became a different person.

For months after that, you enjoyed going to work even more.

You and Doyoung haven't dated but your feelings were growing for him. It was strange knowing he liked you back.

What about Taeyong?
You didn't see him for a while until one day he sent you a text message.


I'm missing you, how is everything

Everything is great, thank you

Would you like to go to the café with me this weekend


Your relationship was still strong with Mr Lee, well, he didn't try to make a move again but you could sense the feeling something was boiling

He still doesn't know the truth


You and Jaehyun kept working well together. He wanted to confess his feelings but was too scared of rejection. At least he is there for you if you need someone to talk to.

Yuta was discharged from the Hospital months ago


Two weeks ago, you unfortunately lost your house to the area having to be bulldozed.
Doyoung offered to help you but you would never take his money.
You are aware he is rich but you want to work things out by yourself.


Many friends of yours offered to let you stay.

Taeyong's mansion was an option, So was Doyoung's. Jaehyun's apartment, even your parents said you could come back. Mark even offered you his own room. You declined them all.

"It's my turn to look after you."

For weeks you have been staying with Yuta. He is just like an older brother to you. Plus your Cat made herself comfortable there.

You are still adjusting to living with him. He is aware you were undercover at S&B, He was shocked and a little upset by the unexpected news but he understood the situation and was fine with it.

"I don't care. You are still you. That's what's important."


You no longer work at S&B. Lots of people are slowing forgetting your face.
They have a new model now.

"Good, but never as great as you were"


-Love is in the air-


Thanks for reading 🤍

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