Four "Boyfriend"

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The door knocked and you rushed to get it. You opened the door and saw Doyoung smiling. "You're smiling!" You said before letting him enter.

"Yes, well. Aren't we friends now? Or something like that."

"Friends?" You questioned before Yuta came into the room. He glared at Doyoung and sat down. "What's his problem."

"Doyoung, not very many people like you okay?"

"I wonder why."

You laugh and walk upstairs. "Come on."
"Y/n, where are you two going?!"
"To my room, chill Yuta it's alright."
Doyoung follows you to your room.
"I have some things to tell you about earlier on today."
You sat on the corner of the bed and he sat on a chair.
"I...told Taeyong the truth."
"Finally, why did it take so long."
"Maybe because last time it ended with him confessing and you both arguing like kids?!"'
"Yeah whatever, he pissed me off. You know, kissing you and all."

"Doyoung it's like you forgot."
"Forgot what."
"That night. Where we kissed."
He turns a little red.
"Do you even care? I thought that kiss meant something to you."
"It did."
"I don't believe you, that night you must've been drunk or something! Why are you acting so nice! You confessed but after that night you acted like it never even happened!"

He walks up to you. "I'm sorry that I made you feel this way. I just didn't want to rush into anything because I have work on my mind and-"
"Work? Seriously? You don't even love me. You just led me on like that!"
"Y/n, don't."

"Say it Doyoung."

"Did I not tell you last time?" He rolls his eyes.
"Back to the normal you again, huh? Fine then I'll say it. I love you Doyoung. And I'm realising that you don't feel the same way." You looked down and he sat besides you.
"I'm not like him Y/n."
"What do you mean? Not as caring? Or not as straightforward? What is it!"
"It's different for me."
"Tell me, I'm listening."
"I'm scared to love." Your eyes widen as you notice a tear roll down his cheek.
"Doyoung..." you wipe his tears.
"How stupid of me, now you've seen me like this! Men aren't supposed to cry." He puts a fake poker face on.
"Only real men cry okay? Break that poker face now." He did as you said.
"My dad I've seen cry, all my friends, even Taeyong.
"Wait, you were with Taeyong today? That's why you weren't here?"
You nod.
"Did he do anything to you? Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine."
"What else did you guys talk about?"
"Hmm, butterflies, how much he hates you, and just random things."
"But he kissed you!"
"And? Are you my boyfriend or something?"
"I'm just kidding. But, seriously...why do you care hmm?"
He gave you a serious look, as if you were dumb.

I know what to do, what he can't resist.

"When Tae kissed me... it was magical, I never wanted it to stop and his lips were like heaven."

He looked at you through his eyebrows.

"Yours was pretty bland, could've been I'm thinking about hanging out with Tae. Oh and did I mention..."
He grew madder and madder when you started calling Taeyong handsome. He knew that you were just winding him but.
"It isn't working Y/n. Try harder." He smirked at you.

"Remember that time in the office when you interrupted me and Jaehyun-"
That once sentence was too much for him to cope.
"You started this Y/n, don't forget that."
He suddenly held your face and kissed you passionately. His tongue met yours and he smirked. You sat on his lap and he kissed your neck multiple times to end the make out session. You were both breathing heavily. "Okay Doyoung... I get it."
He fixes your hair and buttons your shirt up. "I can fix myself." You grunted. "Calm down princess." He stroked your hair and hugged you. "I love you too." He whispered.

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now