Seven "Vanilla milk tea."

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1PM, The next day

You opened your eyes slowly. "I'm so tired..." You groaned. You rubbed your eyes and something didn't feel right.

The bed feels pretty hard... wait.

You realised you were asleep on your bedroom floor. You gasped and sat up. Not only to see Taeil asleep next to you.

I can't seem to remember anything that happened after getting in the hot tub. It must've been them drinks. Ah why did I even take it in the first place, I know I can't handle it.

"Why didn't he just go home damn it."

You clean up your room, it's a whole mess.

"What the hell happened last night..."

Finally you're room was back to normal except from the snoring male on your floor.

"I can't just leave him here until he wakes up. Can I?" You knocked on Yuta's door. "Come in."

You entered and saw him playing on his PC.
"Have fun last night?" He smirked
"W-what? I don't even know what happened."
"Sounded like it." He laughed

Flashback to 11:30PM, Last night.

Taeil had just found out that you are not single and felt annoyed but accepted it. You just drank drinks and partied until late. Eventually you both brought the party into your room.
"WOOOHOOO!" You screamed.
"WOOP WOOP WOOP!!" Taeil yelled.
You both were dancing, singing and drinking.
You asked, trying to
be louder than the music.

At around 3AM, you felt dizzy and upset.
"I think i should sit down for a moment..." You sat on the floor frowning. He copied you and sat besides you. "I know I'm drunk so I'm not just saying this cause I can but, you're one of the best people I've ever met. I had a lot of fun with you and I'm aware you probably won't remember this in the morning so, Y/n. I really like you, a lot. " He looked you in your eyes and smiled.

You frowned. "That's f-funny, we jUSt met hah."
"I know right."
"But I'm sORRy TaEIL but I don't like you THAT much hahahah. I have a boyfriEND silly. N-No one cAN make me as happy as hE makes me."

He looked down, knowing he doesn't have a single chance.

"Aye! S-stop pulling that sAd face.. HUH? Get over it silly."

You kept on making fun of him and talking about your boyfriend.

"Y/n, shut up." He said calmly.


And just then he smashed his lips upon yours. He held you close by your back. You didn't really respond to the kiss. You just teared up.
It reminded you of the other day with Taeyong, how you kissed him.

You broke the kiss with Taeil.
"This isn't r-right!"
"It's not like you're cheating on him or something." He smiled again.
"Cheating? I wouldn't cheat on him!" You slapped him. He rolled his eyes.
"We're drunk aren't we? Not a problem."
"Are you saying if we were nOt drunk then it is cheating?!"
"Yes, pretty much."
"Shut u-up that don't make sense AND I didn't even kISS you baCK-" You began pouring your eyes out.
"Don't cry, It's alright. I'm sorry." He was clearly more sober than you.
"I'm sorry D-Doyoung, I-I kissed Taeyong the other d-day! I'm sorry for cheating on you." You cried in his arms.
"Huh?" He was confused.
"You cheated on him? Pfft, you must not like him as much as I thought."
"It's not like thAT! This other g-guy... I like him too."

End of flashback

"Don't worry Y/n, it's fine. Just worry about what you're wearing..." Yuta chuckled.
You ran out into your room and looked in the mirror. You was still wearing your bikini but it had a top over it. Also there was random pen drawings on your legs.
"Oh my"
You changed and looked around for your phone.
"Where could it be..."
Finally you saw it next to Taeil
You approached him put your phone in your pocket. "Should I wake him?"
You tap his shoulders but he does not budge.

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now