Chapter 12: Visit

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"Why the hell did you run away from me!" Laurence scolded towering over me as I sat on the bed keeping my head low.

"I-im sorry." I meekly said. He let out a frustrated sigh and put his hands on his hips while tapping his foot on the ground.

"You ditched class, no. You and Damion ditched class. I went to the restroom only to hear the dean talking on the waki-taki about a girl and boy running around on campus. When I went to find you guys, you both ran away from me and when I turned the corner, you both suddenly disappeared. And because of you guys I had to take the punishment." Laurence reasoned.

"Im sorry--" I said in a low tone. But was cut off.

"Then explain to me everything, Jina!" he yelled slamming his hands at the side of me, on the bed. He was so close to my face I could feel the rage literally heat me up. I hesitated till finally talking.

"I got in trouble in class for not facing forward in my seat when the teacher came in and and she told me to get out of the class. I was about to go out the door when Damion stood up too, pretending to be talking on the phone, and went with me outside. He..." I paused after talking so fast. "He asked if I could show him around the school a bit so, I did. We got tired and decided to rest up at the tree, where you happened to find us. I thought you'd misunderstand things so I broke into an abrupt run, without thinking. When we turned the corner Damion started to drag me instead and since he's a fast runner, you probably didn't see us cause we were so far away already. We stopped running at the library and after the bell rang to dismiss us to lunch, we departed our ways where... I ran into you getting in trouble with the dean. Im sorry." I explained and finally ended my talking with deep breathes. He kept silent, making me even more impatient after all that talking. He stood up and patted my head.

"Bedtime." he said in a low tone and walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I let out a relived breathe.

"He's not as mad anymore." I said to myself.


I woke up because the kitchen was so loud. I lazily looked at the clock to see the time.

10:30. Its a Saturday. Why so early in the morning?

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. After yawning, I looked around the room till finally getting off the bed and walking to the kitchen.

"Why is it so loud--" I stooped in the middle of my sentence and froze on my spot, wide eyed.

My mom was in the kitchen cooking while Laurence assisted her. My father and little brother, Mason were watching football on the TV while cheering and punching eachothers shoulders. My mom turned away from the stove and her eyes landed on me and she smiled widely.

"Jina!" she cheered and walked over to me and gave me a big hug. My dad and little brother also went over to me too. My dad waddling over to me while holding his arms out for a hug. After literally strangling me to death, Mason agrued that dad missed the touchdown and he jumped right on the couch.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked my mom.

"We said we'd come to visit remember?" she said as she went back in the kitchen and made me a small plate of food. I sat at the counter table and she handed me the plate of rice and eggrolls. I took a bite and it was delouse.

"Mm... Its so good." I said taking another bite. "I missed your cooking mom." I noted.

Laurence got a plate of food too and sat in the chair next to me. We both ate in silence, we didn't give eachother a glance, we just ate.

"What's this?" Mason said cheerfully. "Lovers quale?" he tuned and let out a chuckle.

"Huh? Are you two in a fight?" my mom asked slightly concerned. Now all the attention was on us. Mom, dad, and Mason waited for us to answer, each one with different expressions.

"No. Just enjoying the food while its still here." Laurence casually said.

"Well if you say so." mom said.

"I think your lying hyung." Mason said in a low tone.

"Ya! Mason." dad scolded.

"No its ok dad. You see..." I paused and looked at Laurence. He looked back glaring at me not to speak. "Laurence is jealous!" I tuned making my whole family burst into laughter. Laurence on the other hand buried his face in his palms in embarrassment.

"What?!" Mason said laughing. "Jealous? Ya right!" he laughed even harder now, falling back off the bean bag.

"So who is the boy that's making our Laurence jealous?" dad asked. They waited for my answer. I ran into the room and grabbed my phone. I handed my dad the phone, showing him a picture I took with Damion when we were under the tree. Mason jumped on dad and looked at the picture too. Mom took off her apron and walked over to see.

"Wow. He's pretty good looking hyung!" Mason commented. Laurence rushed over and grabbed the phone from my dad's hand and looked at the picture. He grunted and threw the phone at Mason, who hastily caught it. Laurence stormed into the room and slammed the door. We started to laugh once again.

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