Chapter 16: The Labyrinth of Gedref

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Amelia's POV

Once again Arthur has done something stupid. He has killed a Unicorn despite the fact that they are incredibly vulnerable and rare as there are only a few left. Arthur however does not understand this and had just thought about how great it would look for Camelot if it had one. Idiot.

It is not long before Camelot begins experiencing the consequences of Arthur's actions. Amelia realises this when she sees Arthur, Uther and some Guards rushing out of the Castle gates and coming back looking very concerned. Turns out the crops had failed suddenly despite having looked perfectly healthy days earlier.

Amelia stands in the Physician's Chambers with Merlin and Gaius watching Gaius mixing various liquids etc., trying to figure out a medical reason for this sudden crop failure.

"Any ideas what caused the crops to die?" Merlin asks him.

"I'm here to complete all the tests. No disease I have heard of could spread through the entire Kingdom in a single night." Gaius responds.

"What could kill all the plants other than a disease?" Merlin asks.

"Not all plants," Amelia says. "Hedges and trees near the crops are healthy and unharmed."

"Unfortunately, you can't eat trees and hedges." Gaius quips.

"It's only killing plants we can eat?" Merlin realises.

"It appears so," Gaius says.

"If it's not a disease, it must be magic," Merlin says. Amelia agrees with him because what else can it be.

"We can't assume that, Merlin. Perhaps there is something in the soil and water that can explain it. I can't tell the King it's caused by sorcery until I'm completely certain."


They have to begin rationing and Villagers are having to stand in a long queue for a Guard to give them grain.

The livestock begins either to die or has been eaten. Food and water are deficient as well. People begin fighting over food. Amelia and Anne along with Morgana and Gwen begin sneaking out Castle kitchen food to hand out to families with small children.

Of course, things get worse. When Gwen tries to get water from the well and instead there is only sand. Turns out the underground reservoir is full of sand as well. No water left.

Anne and Merlin decide to jointly try to turn the sand into water in Merlin's Chamber.

They sit with a bucket of sand and his magic book open in front of them while Amelia stands off the side watching.

"Gréot gecymen, lecan. Gecymen gé drýe wæter." Merlin chants but nothing happens.

It is then that they all notice that Gaius had entered.

"We were... We were just, er..." Anne stumbles.

"I was hoping either of you might be trying to turn it back into water. I know I've cautioned against using magic, but if ever there was a time to use both of your talents, it's now." Gaius takes a seat in a chair.

"Well, I wish I knew how. We've tried everything. If it is magic, it's more powerful magic than I possess." Merlin says sadly.

What are they going to do? The repeated hunts for the 'Sorcerer' has meant that Amelia has been too afraid to even get out her notes to see what will happen.


Anne's POV

Anne and Merlin are just entering the Square when Anne hears a voice call out their names.

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