Chapter 20- Close Escape

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Hey everyone! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or the game 5 Nights at Freddie's!

P.S: Apparently 5 Nights at Freddie's 3 has just come out (I haven't had a chance to play it yet though) so check it out if you want to be scared :)

"What on earth is going on here?" A surprised voice exclaimed from the door.
The two figures stepped into the crowded restaurant. Hermione instantly recognised one figure to be Mark, the restaurant employee that had employed her in the first place. The other person was the man who she had never met but had seen on the news report that previous day; the restaurant's manager. Both of then wore surprised and shocked expressions as their eyes zoomed over the mob of police officers, the three teenagers handcuffed and the 3 animatronics at the back, still watching the procession from their stage.
The Chief stepped forward and addressed the restaurant's manager.
"Sir, these three teenagers were caught red handed trying to steal one of the animatronics" he told the manager, gesturing to Bonnie.
The manager looked thoughtfully at the handcuffed teenagers and, though Hermione couldn't be sure, she saw him briefly glance at Harry's forehead, though a second later he had looked away.
"Please sir, you hired us to work here as night guards!" Hermione spoke up, glancing at Mark to back her up.
Mark took the hint Hermione gave him and opened his mouth.
"It's true sir, I hired them 3 days ago" he told his boss and the watching mob of police.
"WHAT?!?" The Chief roared in surprise, anger erupting from him, which caused him to forcefully resemble Harry's Uncle Vernon.
The manager turned to Mark, a confused expression on his face.
"Did you hire all of them?" He asked Mark questioningly.
Hermione knew the game was up. Mark would tell his boss the truth about not hiring Harry and Ron to avoid getting fired; he wouldn't dare lie to his boss.
Mark glanced at Hermione's silently pleading face for a second and turned back to his boss and the waiting police crowd.
"Yes, I hired all of them, just like they said" he told them loudly, smoothing other the lie as quickly as if he were riding a firebolt.
"Well then, that's settled!" The pizzeria manager said, smiling happily at the Chief police officer's look of outrage.
"Please unhand those three employees of mine officer" he instructed and, with reluctance, the Chief removed the handcuffs from Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Glaring at the three teenagers, the Chief turned back to his army of confused police officers.
"Well? Get moving!" He ordered them and they hastily obeyed.
A few moments later,(not including the 3 watchful animatronics) only Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mark, the restaurant's manager and the Chief police officer remained in the previously crowded room. With a last deathly stare at the them, the Chief officer left the restaurant, slamming the pizzeria doors shut with a bang.
As soon as he was gone, Hermione turned back to Mark to thank him but she got interrupted by the manager.
"I think you'd all better come into my office. Now." The manager instructed the 4 teenagers as he began walking towards his office.
After glancing worriedly at each other, the 4 teenagers followed their manager into his office, closing the door behind them gently.
"Now then, I think I'd better sort out the truth from the lies" the manager said to them all, staring at each individual. Harry and Ron gulped.
"Please sir...." Hermione began but got cut off.
"No, call me Walter" The manager told her, a smile flickering over his serious features for a moment.
"Ok, Walter, I'll tell you the truth" Hermione continued, glancing at her best friends for encouragement.
"You see, Mark was telling the truth when he said that he hired ME three days ago but he didn't hire Harry or Ron" she began, staring at the floor.
It took Hermione a couple of minutes to explain the story fully, including how she had worked the first night alone, the second with Harry and the third previous night with Harry and Ron. When she finally finished her story, Walter had a strange expression on his face, as though he was thinking hard. After another minute he looked up and addressed Hermione.
"Why did you feel the need to bring your two friends along with you?" He asked her, fixing his gloomy amber eyes directly on the brunette's face.
"Well....I guess it was because I felt.....scared by the animatronics and wanted company" she admitted timidly. This comment made Walter raise his eyebrows.
"The animatronics? What do you mean? Was there a problem?" He asked her intriguingly.
"Yes they have been problems every night so far" Hermione told him.
"They keep coming to the doors and try to break into the office that we are in" Harry continued.
"And last night Freddie actually managed to get inside our office when we lost power but luckily we managed to....get out of the way in time" Ron added, biting back his tongue to prevent him from revealing that he had used magic to stop Freddie; this manager was a muggle, after all.
Walter sighed and leant back in his chair, muttering to himself.
"Should have known they would.....thought they had stopped......told them...."
He contained talking to himself for another minute until he finally sat upright again and faced the 4 teenagers.
"I though they had stopped walking around and coming to the door" he told them, a tired expression on his face.
"I tried to talk them out of it and I thought they had listened to me....but clearly not"
He sighed again and then addressed Harry and Ron, who both had perplexed expressions on their faces.
"You know, I would hire both of you as well to work the night shift with Hermione but I can't afford it. Not many people realise that Freddie Fazbear's Pizza is not doing too well on business so I can't afford a massive group of staff.....though both of you can still accompany Miss Granger every night I you want to" Walter told them.
Hermione wasn't sure why, but Walter seemed to only be talking to Harry, seeing as his eyes were mainly fixed on the green eyed boy's face.
A few minutes later, Walter ushered them out his office, due to the face that he needed to get the restaurant and the animatronics ready for the day ahead.
"Good luck tonight and remember, take any means necessary to protect yourselves" he told them before shutting his office door behind them.
Hermione turned round to thank Mark for saving them but he had already walked off round the corner to get to work, seeing as he was working in the morning.
"Strange..." Hermione muttered.
"What I find strange is the fact that Walter is actually letting us continue being night guards, even though he knows the danger we'll be in" Harry muttered to the other two.
"Yeah but..." Ron began.
"Look, I don't know about you, but I would like some sleep before my parents force us to get up later this morning. We can talk about this later!" Hermione told the two boys as the three of them broke into a run to try and catch the next bus from town back to the Granger's house.

Hope you liked this chapter! A lot of mysteries are forming now, but you'll have to read on to find them out! Next chapter up soon! Thanks for reading! ~A~

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