25 - The Commander of the Garrison

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Six Weeks Later

29th May 1740

Eira MacCraig's POV

Brian Fraser was shaking almost as much as I as he helped me down from the Fraser carriage which had been hooked up for our long ride to Fort William. I had cried in the carriage on the way over, and he had comforted me. He had cried silently, tears rolling down the sides of his face, and I had remained quiet so he could preserve the dignity.

We both looked up at Fort William, a shiver running down our spines.

How could we have left Jamie here for six weeks?

We should have gotten him out sooner, or tried to, at least.

But deep down, we both knew that there was nothing more that we could have done for the man that we both loved. I'd ridden like Hell for Brian Fraser, he had given his son all that he could on the road to the Fort, and since then had ridden to it twice weekly to ask if he could see his son.

Yesterday morning, a visitor's request had arrived at the house, and it had been approved. Today we were there to see the commander of the garrison, who we had not been given the name of. We gave our papers over to the British soldier at the gate and he inspected them, Brian turned to me meanwhile, "remember, my dear," he said in a quiet tone, dipping his head lower so he could talk to me more privately, "dinna speak unless ye're spoken to. We dinna ken what kind of man we're dealing with here."

I nodded, knowing that I would have to act every part the young lady whilst we were here today.

I just wanted to see Jamie.

Knowing that he was somewhere behind the walls in front of us made my stomach turn with fear for him. God only knew what they had done to him in such a squalid place.

Brian and I were led to the commander's office, which was in one of the towers. The stairs were steep and numerous, and just as I felt like I was about to keel over out of exhaustion from them, we reached the top.

The guard who had escorted us rapped once, sharply, on the wooden door and waited for a signal to open the door. We heard a muffled voice behind the door, and then the guard opened it.

"Brian Fraser, laird Broch Tuarach, and his ward, Lady Eira MacCraig."

Brian's jaw set when he saw the commander of the garrison.

"Ah!" The captain exclaimed when he saw Brian, "Lord Broch Tuarach..." he turned to the guard who had brought us up, "yes, we've met before. Do come in, sir." His eyes slid past Brian and rested on me, "and lady." We were let in. He stood by the door, watching us both as we passed him. "My word," he said as soon as I was close enough that he could have a proper look at me, "what a pretty dress."

It was a pretty dress. It was one of Jenny's old ones that had been adjusted to fit me, the bodice of the dress changed to fit a young maiden who was soon to be married. It was lowcut, my bosom heaving up and down everytime that I drew a breath.

I turned to him and gave a smile, though it was as fake as his politeness. I knew that he was being impolite by commenting on my dress because I knew exactly what his ministrations behind the compliment were. He liked that my breasts were on show. "I thank ye for yer appreciation of it, sir."

He smirked and then closed the door behind me, sauntering over to his seat beside the large desk and gesturing for Brian and I to sit in front of him.

"Now," the commander smirked, "how may I be of assistance, to you?"

"My son is one of the prisoners in yer care, Captain Randall." Brian said. I was surprised that he knew the commander by name. When had they met before?

"Ah yes, the red head, if I remember rightly?"

"The verra same." Brian paused, "Lady MacCraig and I would verra much like to see him -"

"Lady MacCraig, too?" Captain Randall smirked to himself, "well this is highly irregular. We do not usually give out visiting licenses - especially not for prisoners who are to be punished."
"Punished?" I echoed in horror, "for what?"

Brian glared at me and Captain Randall had to hide his smirk.

"Forgive me, madam," he said, "but you are are Brian Fraser's ward, are you not?"

"She is also my son's intended. They were promised this past Christmas."

"Ah," the top lip of Captain Randall curled in delight, "I see." He inhaled deeply, "well, it is highly irregular to allow any family member in to see a prisoner, let alone two..."

"Pardon me, Captain Randall," I spoke, shocking Brian again, "but what is my Jamie to be punished for?" I had not meant to call him my Jamie, but it was out in the open now.

"For trying to escape, madam."

"E-escape?" I began to feel faint, "h-he couldn't h-have..."

"Just last night we caught him and two others." The commander paused, "I'd invite you to watch his punishment. That is your chance to see him -"
"W-what is his p-punishment?" Brian took my hand in his and squeezed it under the pretence of giving the lady in his care some support, but I knew that he was as worried for Jamie as I was.

"He is to be flogged, madam." The callousness was not in the words that the captain delivered, but rather in the nonchalance of his tone.

Brian Fraser stood up, angry out of his mind. I felt weak, my poor Jamie, I could not even begin to imagine how he felt.

"Excuse me." The captain left the room, leaving Brian and I alone.

I began to cry and Brian seethed with anger, but he got down on his knees in front of me to comfort me. I fell into his arms.

We were allowed five minutes of privacy before the captain returned, "I have decided, madam, that you may see your intended. Just for five minutes, of course, we really must keep to a schedule here, or the whole thing would descend into chaos." He was standing beside us, "come, madam, I shall escort you myself."

The last thing that I wanted was to allow myself to be alone in the presence of the odd Captain Randall, but I knew that I had no choice.

With a tear streaked face, I took his hand and let myself be pulled to my feet once more. Brian watched me go, a heartbroken look on his face.

Captain Randall led me down the steps of the tower and along the battlements of Fort William. "You'll see, madam," he said, "that we run quite a tight ship here," he waved a hand over the wall, gesturing to all of his men, "schedules must be kept to, and rules must be upheld."

"Of course," I replied in as polite a tone as I could manage, not wanting to anger him and risk my chance of seeing Jamie. "I thank ye for allowing me the chance to see my intended again, Captain Randall, it is most kind of ye."

"Kindness has nothing to do with, madam," he stopped abruptly and smirked, his upper lip curling once more, "oh no, seeing you will make his punishment all the worst."
My heart hammered in my chest. I wanted to ask why, but didn't trust myself to hold my tongue and remain polite. Captain Randall began to walk once again. I stayed quiet.

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