1.5 i..i cant let go.

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y/n p o v

i was now seated with Ara , Taehyung and Jungkook. of course she forced me again. i couldn't decline this time. Jungkook was busy talking to Taehyung as Ara joined in and i just..stayed silent. "yeah you know that orphanage near our college? i kinda wanna visit" Taehyung said as he munched on his food. my heart started pumping intensely. "oh yeah i've been there" Jungkook added like it was nothing. "really?!? babe can we pleaase go??? just you and me!" Ara pleased while Jungkook nodded. this cant be it. i've visited that orphanage since i was in highschool..they're like a family. "i think they don't let people come anymore. the children can only communicate amongst themselves" i suddenly spoke, earning Jungkook's attention.

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Y/n obviously didn't want them to visit the place. the place holds a very special meaning to her and to just let these people enter?


Y/n didn't like that. she cant just let Jungkook invite his girlfriend and make it his special place. Y/n wanted to be selfish this time. Ara pouted after hearing Y/n, "maybe we can visit other ones" she added. Jungkook only focused on his food but in reality he knew that she lied.

y/n p o v

it was after school and Taehyung invited me to hang out with him. but then Ara came by, "hello you two!" she tilted her head in suspicion, "you guys aren't dating..right?" Taehyung spare a glance before embracing me, "we're married!!" i choked into his hold. "you're c-choking me!" i desperately said while he lets go. "o-oh sorry" he scratched his nape. Ara sighed and joins us who were sitting under the tree with a blanket placed. "Ara..no one invited you" Taehyung mumbled, received a smack from her. i smiled a little.

"you monkey! keep quiet" she rolled her eyes playfully, before focusing on me. "i should bring Jungkook here! it would be nicer if i had my boyfriend of course" Taehyung only manage to cough while i stayed silent again. Ara went on a call with Jungkook. i mentally wanted to kill myself. why did i agree on this?!? i'm only happy when Jungkook is not around me. he brings bad energy and awkward tension

"would you guys like to grab some drinks?" Taehyung asked, getting his wallet out. Jungkook has already arrived, in his lazy outfit. black shirt and plain grey sweatpants. Ara thought about it for awhile before suggesting a drink, "banana milk?" my eyes widened.

i didn't had enough time to think before i spoke

"n-no Ara..they're..bad for your..um" i stuttered in my own words. my eyes wandered around- trying to think of a fake reason to not let her buy a packet of banana milk "your heart!" i said loud and clearly making Taehyung frown in confusion and soon he cracked into laughter. Jungkook only stared at me. "you shouldn't buy them at all"  i gulped as Jungkook pierced his stares into my skull. Ara nodded quickly, "okay! i'll get chocolate milk"

stop looking at me kook.

"i'll go buy it. you stay here"

i didn't even let him respond while i ran towards a small vending machine with my wallet. my breathing shortened and i knocked my head onto the machine lightly. "what did i just do" i said in a low tone.


"you still love me don't you"


he stood five feet apart from me. with my back facing him, i could sense his stare. my hands went numb as i couldn't think of anything to say. he was indeed right. "Y/n." his voice sent shivers down my spine.

i went too far didn't i

he moved closer when i turned around. my teary eyes stared at his dull eyes. "y-you don't understand" "what do i  NOT understand?!" he shouted back. i went completely silent. my eyes was stuck onto the concrete ground. i was in the verge of tears. cold sweat trickled down my forehead, the sky became dark.  then started pouring lightly. "i'm fucking trying kook. to fucking forget what we had but how can i-"

"LOOK AT ME. i can. i moved on from you" he harshly said. i felt bitter. "we ended things in high school Y/n. it's been a year. why cant you-" i cut off his words.

"BECAUSE I NEED AN EXPLANATION KOOK. there is no way your mother just decided to pair you up with Ara. no FUCKING way" the tears poured.

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Jungkook felt his throat closing up as he watched how her tears rolled down her cheeks. he used to be the one embracing her when she bawled her tears like this. "Y/n just leave the past as it is! accept that i don't love you anymore and i love Ara!"

that hit her hard.

they were both drenched in water, she only looked at him with her sad eyes. that once would lit up once she saw him. that once sparkled because he confessed. her pupils showed nothing but hatred and emptiness. Jungkook ruffled his hair in frustration, breaking eye contact with her. the pain that overwhelmed Y/n felt like the grief that comes in waves.

Y/n was left all alone. she had no one by her side when she graduated, when she visited her parent's graveyard after the accident, when she almost lost it. all she had was her sister, but she has her own problems too. she isn't satisfied at the fact she was just left alone- just like that without no explanation. and now after college? she finds him dating Ara. she wanted an explanation but Jungkook just couldn't tell her. "Kook. i've been breaking ever since you left." he stayed silent. "i'm not here to break your relationship with Ara. it was never my intention to. but, all i want is an explanation. why you left me alone like that."

"i couldn't have the courage to tell Sannie that you and i don't talk anymore! and why is that? because fucking Jeon Jungkook left Y/n without a fucking reason!" she shouted her heart out, he faced her with a surprised reaction. he felt sympathy and guilt. "i know. i know you love Ara so much kook." her voice softened.

"but please solve this question in my head. please. just before you go"

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