1.9 same old love

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the loud applause was heard from all the students while Jungkook ran through to grab the dribbled ball from the opponents team. "GO JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung shouted as he hold onto a banner. i laughed a little, "you've got the spirit boy" Taehyung continued smiling as he shouted Jungkook's name. Ara isn't here today, not so sure why but today was Jungkook's competition with the enemy's school.

and he trained well enough to be included. "COME ON KOOK" Taehyung whined as the opponent team scored a goal. but our school is still on the lead. "ILL KILL YOU" Taehyung angrily shouted at the other team making the teachers worried. i held his shoulder, "calm the fuck down" i was clearly embarrassed. Jungkook only laughed with a big smile on his face. he went towards us for the break, gulping down water. "JUNGKOOK AH DONTT DISSAPOINT YOUR BEST FRIEND "

Taehyung whined as he begged. i rolled my eyes, "good job Kook" he stared at me with a shy smile, "just like before right?" he asked, i nodded, "just like before" the whistle was blown as he had to go back to the court. Taehyung gave Jungkook a blowing kiss while Jungkook only ignored him. we both cracked a laughter before continued to watch.

Ara p o v

"they seemed closer now" i watched as Y/n spoke to Jungkook during the break. he had on a very wide smile, the smiles he put on- just like the past. he would show me his high school photos and told me how happy he was. he really is. "was that because of Y/n?" i asked in confusion.

y/n p o v

"cant believe you fucking did that dude! oh my god the ending was sooo dramatic!!!" Taehyung continued talking as Jungkook and i listened. "enough Tae" Taehyung stopped talking as he glared at Jungkook. "only Y/n can call me that" Taehyung rolled his eyes before i stopped walking and stared at the shop in front of me.

vintage book store

my lips create a small smile. "you remember going her with me?" Jungkook asked as he went by my side. "eh? what place is this?" Taehyung joins in. "it's a..book store that we used to visit. we bought the book here too" excitedly i entered the bookstore, making Taehyung and Jungkook enter eagerly. "ah! so much memories" i scanned the whole shelves of romantic books. "as a hopeless romantics, this is a hobby" my hands brushed

through the books. "but we weren't hopeless romantics Y/n. we're iconic!" Jungkook suddenly said making me chuckle, "yeah yeah" my cheeks blushed.

author p o v

Taehyung watched as the ex couple talk about their past love. he only gets to experience this love his has. a hopeless one. he knew Y/n liked Jungkook and Jungkook might too. "oh! look! a book about dummies, maybe its for you Tae~~" Jungkook teased and Taehyung quickly smacked him with a book making Y/n giggle. "fuck you bro" Taehyung swore while Jungkook rubbed his head repeatedly.

"you two continue fighting while i look around" Y/n walked away from them, leaving a vanilla scent making Jungkook smile and Taehyung blush. they both stared at each other and then looked away, pure silence was heard.

"Sannie!" Y/n's voice squealed as she hugged the small young boy who was wearing a cute outfit. "what are you doing here hm?" she asked again, crouching to his height. "noona! the teachers are waiting outside while i came here to buy books!" San said with his cheeks puffed from the smile. San then looked to the right and saw Jungkook. he gasped loudly, "GOOGIE HYUNG" he jumped into his arms as Jungkook giggle out of happiness.

Taehyung stood there completely confused. "you have a kid?" Taehyung blunted earning a smack from San. "i'm not their son! but i'm from the orphanage nearby! noona and hyung would visit me always!" San introduced himself, "i'm San! who are you weird guy" he frowned making Taehyung scoff, "i'm not weird! im Taehyung" they shook hands as San went over to Y/n.

"i thought Y/n said you weren't allowed to visit the orphanage" Taehyung scoffed while Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "noona~ could you pick me my new bed time story book?" Y/n held his soft hands while giving him a peck on the cheek, "of course bun" San pulled Y/n towards the kids section as Taehyung watched with love eyes. "yah!" Jungkook snapped him out of his daydream.

y/n p o v

it was already around 8pm. i've spent great time with San and the other two. i walked side by side with Jungkook as he decided to walk me home. it was just comfortable silence. our footsteps against the concrete ground, his jacket zipper sounds. "San missed me a lot don't you think" he started the conversation, i lightly chuckle. "mhm..he really does. you haven't visited for awhile" i murmured.

"i'm sorry i didn't have time. but i did once, when you were there..i didn't approach because..well..i was scared of what you'd think" Jungkook gulped. i took a breath, "it's all good Kook- but San did saw you" we both giggled. the silence entered again. it wasnt awkward but it felt really calming to just be with each other again. i missed this feeling so much.

he stopped in front of my house, giving a small smile. "welp. here we are" his chuckle sounded sad. usually he would enter the house, earning a warm welcome from my parents and Yerin. he took a good look in the house, "she's baking again hm?" i laughed it off, "yeah. as usual" he smiled but soon it faded. "wished they are still there" he painfully said, his eyes teared. i nodded slowly, "it would be nice to see them greet you again" i fixed my gaze on the ground.

then was pulled into a tight warm embrace. his scent all over me again, his head buried against my neck. leaving soft kisses. his arms tightly held me like i was fragile. he lets out a few tears before pulling away. "i'm sorry..i should go. goodnight Y/n. i'll see you tomorrow" he pats my head and soon walked away waving at me excitedly.

i entered into the house after his figure disappeared. Yerin stood at the door with a small smile, "i'm so glad you guys talked it out" tears rolling down her cheeks. i gave her a tight hug. "god..i was in pain seeing you hurt before.." she confessed, sobbing in my arms. she pulled away and cupped my cheeks, chuckling right after,

"he loves you Y/n..i can see it. he still does"

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