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Happy 1K reads my dear besties 🥺🤍

"good morning," someone spoke, causing the girl to wake up. she sat up and scanned her surrounding. she noticed she wasn't in her room. the memories from last night flashed through her mind.

"right, i slept here," she mumbled to herself before looking at the owner of the voice.

"w-what are you doing here?!" she asked the person who was drying his hair in front of the mirror. the person looked at her through the mirror for a bit before averting his attention back to his hair.

"it's my room," he replied casually.

"at least wear something!" y/n said and quickly hide herself in the blanket. she tried to get rid of the image of San drying his wet hair while wearing only towels around his waist. she could clearly see his abs through the reflection the mirror. she somehow found it attractive...


Y/N almost screamed. she forgot that all of them could read her mind like an opened book. suddenly the blanket was pulled away from her leaving her exposed to the already-dressed-San.

"consider yourself lucky, not everyone got to see this masterpiece," san said with a smirk plastered on his face. Y/n looked at him in terror.

did he hit his head with something? is this a side effect of the glass ball from yesterday? he's not being himself! the girl thought .

"by the way you got a nice body, i must say,"

"y-you're disgusting!" she snatched the blanket from san and covered herself once again. the thought of her taking a shower with shiber made her shiver once again.

she didn't know if this was the same San that always gave her icy glares. San's smirk didn't disappear.

he suddenly leaned over causing the girl to move back.

"w-what are you do-"

she didn't get to finish her sentence when a soft lips crushed upon hers. her eyes widened when she realized she was being kissed by no other than Choi San.

"let me g-" the girl spoke between the kiss while trying to pull away from him. San however didn't budge. her strength was nothing to him. he quickly grabbed both her arms and pin her to the headboard so she couldn't move.


"hey Y/n did you see Sa- oh wow,"

San let go of her and the two just stared at Wooyoung who happened to witness the kiss. His shocked face immediately turned into a smug look.

"it's not what it look like!" Y/n shouted.

"it's okay Y/N don't be shy~ love is not a crime~"

"No! we didn-"

"i won't interrupt your lovey dovey moment anymore~everyone is waiting for you two in the dinning hall or you can just eat each other for breakfast, i'll inform hyung," wooyoung winked at the two and ran away.

Y/n turned to San who was wearing a cold expression on his face.

"you! you planned all of this aren't you!?" she glared.

san didn't respond he only looked at her coldly just like how he normally did and walked out of the room, leaving the frustrated girl alone.

Y/n didn't waste anytime she quickly left the room and trailed behind San to the dinning area while cursing the half white haired guy silently. She didn't bother to clean herself.

"Look who decide to show up,"

The boys were looking at them. San sat down between Wooyoung and Seonghwa while Y/n just stood next to the door not knowing what to do.

"What are you waiting for? Come take a seat," Hongjoong pointed to a free seat next to him.

"Hyung...not you jongho, you guys don't know what I've seen when I was searching for san," Wooyoung said and nudged San who was giving him a death glare but of course Wooyoung was already used to it so he didn't care.

"What?" The guys said except for jongho because he's not the "hyung"

"Y/n and San... this morning..." Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows and kept switching his gaze from Y/n to San as if he was trying to signal the rest to understand him.

"Just say the damn word!" Yeosang said.

"Thay fucked," wooyoung finally let it out. He blinked his eyes innocently when he saw all of them were choking on their foods.


"I said they fu-"

"No!!" The girl quickly denied. Her face was filled with horror and disgust. How could wooyoung lied about this especially during their breakfast!

"Mind explaining this Y/N?" Hongjoong asked. His aura suddenly became darker. She somehow could see anger in his eyes when he was looking at her.

Why is he angry? She thought.

"We didn't! I swear Wooyoung is lying!" The girl looked at San. She was asking him to help her through her eyes.

"San?" Hongjoong asked.

"We kissed," San replied and continued to eat his food calmly.


"SEE? I TOLD YOU! They fucked! Their lips touched so their lips fucked! Hahhaha," wooyoung burst out laughing.

"Shut up woo!" Seonghwa quickly shoved a lettuce in his mouth causing him to munch on it. The room became quiet only thw sound of wooyoung munching his lettuce could be heard.

"I'm full I'll take my leave," Hongjoong got up and left to his office without sparing anyone a glance.

"What is he so angry for?" Mingi asked, breaking the icy silence.

"He's jealous," Yeosang replied.

"Jealous? That man? He's capable of feeling that way too?"

"He's not a rock dumbass, he too has feelings,"

"Just eat kids, and wooyoung don't make our leader angry again," Seonghwa said with a sigh.

"It's not my fault," Wooyoung pouted.

These two! San is evil and Wooyoung is mischievous, no wonder they get along so well. Y/n thought.

"Ohh and Y/n... can you go talk to Hongjoong after you're done eating?" Seonghwa asked.

"B-but why me?" She asked back while pointing a finger to herself.

"You're the only one who can talk to him for now," The black haired male replied.


"Thank you," he gave her a soft smile which Y/n gladly returned one back.

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