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A/N: Hey guys this is my first story, one I've been wanting to share for a while now hope you enjoy it :D

So I 'm sitting here drinking. Slowly drowning away my depression into the bottom of the glass. I think it's... 1am, 2am? Oh, who gives a damn!?

I don't even wanna look at her anymore. This girl that's been twisting me and turning me ever since we were little, and after a decade she hasn't changed one teensy, tiny bit.

She, the one that has been poisoning and torturing my mind is right there, waving her body around like a mace in front of the victims that were caught in her demonic trance. Scarlet lights spilled all over the room like blood as the stereo system roared like a vicious monster.

I groaned and sighed. "This isn't me" I thought. I shouldn't be wasting my time here. I'm probably not gonna see her after tonight anyway, with our school days behind us everyone will be breaking up from this social group and heading on their own paths to go their separate ways.

Before i go on i should tell you a little about her.

Who is she? Well she is only the girl that cursed me with love at the age of 11 with her curly locks and tempting gazes. Her diabolical charm that had always managed to constantly throw me off and change every little decision I made in my life.

Mia the girl of my dreams and the seed of my depression.

As for me, I'm Tristan. I'm just your average, run of the mill human male. I've never been the worst at anything, I've never been the best at something. I'm not fat and neither am I skinny. I'm not fit but I'm not dying. Black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin tone. The only thing unique about me is probably the beauty mark above my left eyebrow.

I sipped the drink in my hand slowly as i swirled it around in my hand while thoughts ran riot in my mind. As time passed, I started to sip more and more of that liquid poison. Never liked alcohol, I've seen it do depressing things to people but I don't wanna talk about that tonight. But I guess just for tonight alcohol would be fine for me.

I was wondering clueless when the bald guy behind the counter would stop serving me cocktails out of pity. But it looked like he was already concerned.

"Kid... You've had too much" the man continued to look at me while talking and had a nervous look, like he cared for my well being.

Hastily, I tried to stand up but to my surprise it was harder than usual. I have never been so drunk before (truth be told I've never been drunk at all) but I'm starting to understand why people drink alcohol. I felt very, very light headed but i still managed to walk, luckily i knew that there was a street bin outside this house just in case I had to throw up.

Mia's POV:

I'm so tired. Tired of everything. I just wanna rest but no, I'm stuck here trying to scrape every little piece of fun that i can. I don't know its just that life has been really dull lately and i feel like Im missing out on a lot of things but I guess that's what recovery after a break up is supposed to feel like.

My life doesn't feel real right now because I can't believe anything that goes on. I can't believe that I've finally graduated, I can't believe that the man I once trusted betrayed me, I can't believe how drunk I'm getting right now. I'm sick of all this stress and I don't know how to feel towards all this, I just want to go home back to mum and sis.

I sat up from my seat and Annie motioned me to have another drink, I nodded and slowly began to walk towards the door of the house. I need fresh air.

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