Fighting Fire with Fire

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{ Author's Note : Sorry for the short chapter before, it's just like a bridge to this chapter so it's rather short ... sorry about that D: }

" Hey, isn't that girl from Ashinaka High ? " 

Yes, yes indeed. I would rather prefer if you did not state the obvious, kind sir. 

" She must be one of those delinquents ... " 

I guess I couldn't deny that. Who wouldn't if they met a girl in school uniform roaming around the streets with a saber hanging around her waist ? Of course she couldn't be from SCEPTER4 ! She had to be a delinquent didn't she ?

Then again, the average person wouldn't expect a world renowned police organization to be so desperate they hired a child, so perhaps that could be forgiven. 

While SCEPTER4 were going around playing the righteous heroes against a gang known as ' Homra ', I was currently stuck with patrol duty, which was literally just something they used to keep my hands occupied when they couldn't be keeping an eye on me during the weekends when students were finally released from their studies.  

A flashing sign caught my eye as the scene on the large signboard which loomed over the pedestrian crossing suddenly switched to one of a long line of people sitting at counters and slurping up a bowl of cool udon amidst the sweltering heat, advertising a newly-opened udon place located on the sixth storey of a building which conveniently happened to be located right across where I was currently standing. 

" Mm, I guess something like udon would be alright. " Besides, it wasn't as though there was actually work to be done at this time anyway, and the experience of eating alone once in a while was indeed enjoyable in itself. 

Not to mention, the advertisement had also mentioned something about a student discount ... 

+ + + + 

I sat at the counters overlooking the large part of Shizume Town, and quietly watched the citizens go about their daily routine, scrambling across the crossing I had been at earlier in all directions, their heads bowed and their eyes glued onto the devices each of them held. My saber which usually hung slack on my waist had been slipped up the sleeve of my uniform in a pathetic effort to not scare the daylights out of the average citizen hoping to just have a little peace and quiet as well as a good meal. 

While we were on that point, it is to be noted that the majority of the people in this place appeared to be perfectly normal citizens. Be they wearing their clean-pressed suits and perfectly straight ties, briefcase by their side, or the delightfully casual attire which usually consisted of throwing together some random top and bottom, no matter how eccentric the combination may be, they still looked like the usual people you passed on the streets once in a while. Strange, perhaps, but average nonetheless. 

On the other hand, the man sitting next to me, I had to say, was most definitely bizarre. 

To his left was a towering stack of anywhere between ten to twenty cleanly polished bowls, and even then, he was continuing to eat bowl after bowl with gusto as though he had a black hole in place of a stomach. He wore a blue cap pulled down low over his eyes, matching blue jeans and a red hoodie, with his hair resembling something like a dirty-blond, and a blue watch around his left wrist. 

Maybe at this point, you'd say he could be another one of those who fell into that ' strange but at least normal ' category of people, but I promise you that most definitely wouldn't be the case. For although he appeared to be enthusiastically downing each and every bowl of noodles that was served, the sharp glint in his eyes when he raised his head ever so slightly told me that he was on the alert, waiting for something, some sort of signal maybe, before he sprang into action. 

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