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Wilbur, Wake up!" 

Wilbur felt someone Shaking him awake. He opened his eyes to see Tubbo standing over him. "Finally your awake." Tubbo huffed as he gently stepped away, "Go down stairs, Techno and Tommy wanted to discuss the plan, remember?"

"Right." Wilbur replied, still tired of the lack of sleep hes' had the past week. Tubbo smiled, "Ok then, I'll tell them you're awake!" He said as he pranced of leaving behind a loud foot steps.
Wilbur tiredly got up, looking around facing the photos of him and his brothers. He remembered the good old days, when Tommy and Wilbur would fight while Techno was their wingman. As Phil tries to stop the fight.
Wilbur weakly smiled, "How did it come to this?"
He got up and got dressed, wearing his signature dark grey coat and black beanie. The beanie was old, as dark as the night sky almost a sooty color, none the less Wilbur loved that old piece of fabric. For it held so much meaning to him, so many memories he was scared to forget.

He quickly walked downstairs, holding on the old wooden rail as he walked.
"Ah, Wilbur." Techno cleared his throat. He was sitting at the coffee table hands on his knees, waiting patiently. "You're awake." He finished, "WILBUR!!" Cut in Tommy, as always he was astatic to talk to his older brother. Techno shushed him by lightly pushing him away, making him rest on the dark red couch. He smiled at his brother's antic, but quickly turned to Wilbur with a serious face.

"Wilbur, me and Tommy were meaning to talk to you... about the plan."
"Yeah! We were thinking!-' Tommy butted in.
"Tommy" Techno glared at him.
"Fine." He rolled his eyes.

He turned back to Wilbur "So we were thinking-"

"Kill Schlatt?"

Techno was surprised "Y-yes, how did you?-"

"I couldn't sleep these few nights, so much has happened and the best I could do was to listen and help plan. And I agree, the sooner he's gone the better." Wilbur said full heatedly but he only sounded empty, even Technoblade's voice had it's own spark of life but not Wil's.

"Ok then, since you already know what to do, we should help you get ready," he nudged Tommy.

"Right" Tommy bent down to the floor board and opened a little hatch, pulling out a bag of tools and medicine. "Here, we've already made you a bag so you can be prepared." Tommy said sternly, still a bit of his loud self shown through. But Wilbur knew he was serious, he walked up to him to retrieve the bag. It was old and felt like cotton and leather at once, it was a weirdly nice texture for him though.

Wilbur was about to walk out, he felt a hand lighty placed on his shoulder. "Be safe out there." Technoblade's voice drifted.
"Yeah man, be the awesomest person around!" Tommy exclaimed with a goofy smile, in response Wilbur smiled. He waived goodbye to his brothers and walked off.

He walked, following the compass that was given with the bag. He knew that Tubbo was with back at the 'white house', but he couldn't blame him for being in a rush to return. Schlatt wasn't the best father and knowing that he could die of a sevre injury was truly a haunting thought.

As he finally reached the entrance he quickly found his way around. By the time he got there it was midnight. He tried to find an opening bit his best bet was to climb through a window. As he grabbed some rope he found lying around he made it to the 5th floor window entrance. He climbed in, seeing a dim office, only being lit by the moonlight. He carefully walked through trying to find the door out, until he stumbled making a loud CRASH.

He looked at what he fell over and saw as he had fallen down he tripped over an empty bottle of vodka. The weight of his fall cause a bookshelf to fall on his leg. He squirmed and yelped in pain lightly, as if that would cover up the loud fall.

'How do I get this bookshelf off me?' He thought awfully panicked as anyone could walk in and rat him out. Until he heard someone yell.


It was Schlatt.



I never wrote a fanfic before so tell me what you think of the first chapter! (✿^‿^)

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