Ally Mayfair-Richards | if it's okay with you|

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I knock on the door twice as nerves fill every inch of my body. I know I shouldn't have a crush on the mom of a kid I'm babysitting but it's a little too late for that. Well, in my defence if you saw her you would feel the same way. The door shoots open and there she is. Ally Mayfair-Richards. My god she's breathtaking.

" Oh thank god you're here, I need your help" Ally says as she moves from the doorway allowing me to step in. " How can I help you ?" I ask as I follow her to the kitchen. " Oz is mad at me and he won't unlock his bedroom door. I'm sorry to call you here on your day off but I know he'll unlock the door for you," she says devastated and I can't help but feel bad for her. She looks so stressed and the way I want to help her relieve this so called stress is deemed "inappropriate" if you know what I mean. "  No problem miss I enjoy being here. I'll try my best to get him out of there," I say and begin walking towards the stairs. " y/n please call me Ally," she says and I turn around to see her staring me up and down. "Okay Ally," I say and begin walking up the stairs. I sway my hips more than usual since I know Ally is staring. Hopefully this will make her fall in love with me lol. I reach Oz's door and I knock lightly. "Hey Oz it's me y/n, can I come in?" I say softly. I hear the door unlock and I gently open the door and close it behind me. " hey bud what's up?" I say sitting on the bed next to him. "My mom won't let me get ice cream and I really want some." He says crossing his arms and looking down. "Oh Oz you know the rules, can you tell me?" I say ruffling my fingers through his hair. " no sweets until after dinner," he says in a monotone voice and I can't help but chuckle lightly. " Right, so how about instead of sitting in here we go apologize to your mom and go watch a movie?" I say holding my hand out. He nods and grabs my hand as I lead us out the room.

" I'm sorry mom I know the rules and I shouldn't have slammed the door on you," Oz says to Ally and I see her face light up almost instantly. "Thank you honey I appreciate it. If you're good I'll let you get ice cream after dinner alright?" She says bending down to give him a hug. He falls into her arms but my eyes stay on Ally. She was a real sight for sore eyes. She then looks up and winks at me, catching me by surprise. I blush lightly and then walk over to the couch to pick out a movie. I end up picking the incredibles and Oz and Ally come and sit on both sides of me. Ally's hand finds my thigh and we both lock eyes for a moment. I've never liked brown eyes as much as I do right now.

About 30 minutes into the movie both Ally and Oz are asleep. I get up gently and take a picture smiling widely. I walk over to the kitchen and look through the fridge to find something to cook. Ally seemed really tired and I didn't want to wake her. I find chicken, noodles, and Alfredo sauce and begin cooking. I begin boiling the noodles when I feel a set of hands wrap around my waist. " you know you don't have to do this," Ally says whispering in my ear and I feel my knees grow weak. " I-I know you just looked tired so I thought I'd let you sleep," you say lightly stirring the noodles. " you are too sweet, how about I help you?" She asks pressing her body further against mine. " Uhm yeah sure" I say trying my best not to sound phased by her actions.

Our bodies move in perfect harmony. It's like she knows my next move before I do. " Hey Ally can you check if those noodles are done?" I ask and she smiles and walks over to the noodles. As I'm pouring the sauce into the pan Ally throws a noodle at me and it sticks to my arm. " ALLY!" I scream softly trying not to wake Oz. She laughs hard as I pick the noodle off of my arm. " oh you are so gonna pay for this," I say giving her a fake pout. " well the noodles are done," she says still laughing. I roll my eyes but a smile can't help but creep onto my face.

We finish cooking and setting the table so I go over to the couch to wake Oz. " Hey wake up bud,dinner's ready" I say shaking him gently. He wakes quickly and walks with me to the table. I sit across from Ally and Oz sits next to his mom. We make small talk whilst we eat but Ally and I keep looking at each other. If I didn't have feelings for her before, they are definitely there now and I have a small feeling she feels the same. " Mom? Do you love y/n?" Oz asks out of the blue. I practically choke on my food but Ally speaks up. " what do you mean Oz?" She asks holding his hands. " you look at her like you used to look at Ivy. Do you love her?". When he says that name my heart drops. Ivy was Ally's wife so if she loves me like that then does that mean she wants to have a relationship with me? I mean I've wanted Ally for as long as I can remember but what if she never felt the same way and I've been making this all up in my head? I can feel my face turn red and Ally looks at me with a look I can't define. " You know what Oz I do love y/n like I used to love Ivy. What about you? "  She asks while her eyes stay on me. " Yes I love y/n I think you two should get married," he says and Ally chuckles. I sit across from them smiling stupidly as they talk about me like I'm not even there. I choose not to say anything because this little conversation was too cute to interrupt.

We all finish eating so I take their plates and start washing the dishes. After finishing his long awaited ice cream, Oz walks upstairs and Ally comes and stands next to me. " you know I meant what I said at the table, right?" Ally asks staring at me deeply. " I think it's pretty obvious but I feel the same way," I reply setting the dish down and staring back into her mesmerizing brown eyes. Suddenly her lips are on mine and there is no way I'm pulling away. Our tongues explore each other's mouths and we both moan at the feeling. My hands reach the sides of her face as the kiss gets more intense, making her hair damp. We break the kiss to catch our breath and we both smile at each other. " you got me all wet," Ally says as she grabs her hair still with a giant smile on her face. " I know another place I'd like for you to be wet as well. How about we go do that?" I ask with a wink and she laughs as we run up the stairs.

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