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"Spencer, can I talk to you for a moment?" Christopher Reid asked walking over to his brother who was talking to a few of the other guest.

"Sure, what's up. Thank you for coming too, it really means a lot." Spencer told the older man.

"I'm happy she called me, I'd hate to miss this. Look I know we didn't have the best relationship growing up and a lot of it falls on me and caring about what others said instead of being the older brother I should have been to you. That woman over there, cussed me out to and from and all over. I'm sure if I were face to face with her, she would have shot me, she loves you and reminded me of how much an idiot I am for not seeing you as your own person instead of the mold society tried to make you. I love you Spen." He told him pulling him into a hug as Spencer hugged him back.

"Thanks Chris, that's all I ever wanted was for you to understand I can't be the kind of little brother you wanted me to be."

"And you shouldn't be and I realize that, I'm late but I do realize that you are your own brand of normal and probably the only other person that's going to match that normal is Daviana and that's fine as long as you're happy."

"I am, really. She is just perfect." He said staring at his wife who was dancing with father, as his older brother looked at him proudly.

"Then you're the prefect little brother to me, although I think that Morgan guy wants to fight me too." He said making Spencer laugh.

"He took over being a big brother when I joined the BAU, he's harmless though, it's his wife you gotta watch out for, her and Daviana are best friends, they may plot to kill you and erase all record of you existing." He said scaring the older Reid boy.

"Are you serious?" Chris asked now scared as Spencer laughed lead him over to his team.

"Guys I would like to properly introduce you to my older brother Chris. Chris this is my family, Tara, JJ, Emily, Aaron, David, Luke, Derek, Penelope, and you've already met my wife. We also have my beautiful mother-in-law Destiny, my sisters Joy and Skai and my new little brother Montero, and my royal brother Harry." Spencer gave introductions as mostly everyone tried to be polite, mostly excluding Derek and Penelope. They saw Spencer as their little brother and would do anything to make sure he was safe and happy.

"So Chris, why were you such a piece of shit for so long to my boy genius?" Penelope said breaking the niceties that everyone was trying to hold.

"Because I was stupid. My younger brother was 12 years old and a senior with me. I cared more about what people thought of me instead of how he felt." Chris spoke honestly as Derek looked at him annoyed.

"Where were you when he was harassed and left taped to a goal post? Do you know how bad that affected him?" Derek said not going to pretend he was good with this dude.

"What are you talking about?" Chris asked confused as Spencer looked upset by the memory, his wife rubbing his back.

"His senior year, he was tricked by the head cheerleader. The football team stripped him and taped him to a goal post and left him there for hours before a janitor found him." Daviana explained as Chris turned to Spencer shocked and upset.

"Why didn't you tell me, I would have gladly whooped every one of their asses."

"Cause I thought you'd agree with them, so I kept it to myself." Spencer said making his brother sigh, understanding the anger from his teammates now. He really was a shit of a brother.

"Well now if anyone tries anything they have to go through all of us." Tara spoke proudly staring at the newly weds smiling, proud of them. Chris looked over at the woman as she spoke, her voice calling out to him confusing him some on why he was drawn to it.

"And we learned from prison that Daviana isn't one to play with." Luke said making the team chuckle as the ones who didn't know looked at her confused.

"Davi, you went to prison?" Harry asked her shocked as she burst out laughing hard.

"No, it was a case we had at a prison. Some creep thought he'd finally have his chance with a "black one" as he called me and grabbed my boob. So I broke his nose and dick." She shrugged as Luke looked at her like she was lying.

"You also gave the man a concussion with a kick to the head, dude was in a coma for 3 weeks." Luke finished explaining as Chris looked at the shorter woman, more afraid now.

"Like I said next time don't try to assault someone who does kickboxing for fun, or anyone for that matter."

"Okay what was the excuse for Cat?" Luke asked smirking. "You were dead ass about to shove your heel into her spinal cord if I didn't stop you. And don't lie and say you weren't aiming for the spinal cord, I saw you calculating where to kick." He said surprising the rest of the team with this information, they knew she kicked the assassin's knees, so she'd drop the gun, but not that part.

"I was justified with my actions."

"How exactly?" Luke smirked back challenging the bride.

"Let see she had a gun pointed at Spen while they were sitting at the table, she had a bomb planted with her little friend Tara took care of, she threated to kill my dad, and then held a gun to Spencer's head. I was going to make sure she lived but just couldn't ever use her arms again." Ana said smiling wide.

"Yeah, I'm officially terrified of your wife." Chris said holding his hands up in surrender.

"He ain't no better. Did you tell him about when the gunman tried to shoot Ana?" JJ said laughing as Spencer blushed at the memory.

"What happened? You never told us you were almost shot Davi." Skai said worried.

"Oh, because Spencer went and pulled a me and Luke, tackling the dude and laying a beat down, that I didn't know he had in him. Literally one minute the dude is chasing Ana about to fire the gun and out of nowhere we see a blur come rushing past us, taking the dude to the ground, and fist hitting his face before we realized it was Spence. We thought it was someone from the victims' families." Derek explained laughing.

"I can say it was one of the first times I ever saw Spencer lose control in a controlled way, his only thing was protecting Daviana, I don't know how we didn't see it then that they were together." Hotch said smiling.

"I knew. Do you know how many people this guy lets touch him. It wasn't too hard to figure out. It was just their business, so I kept my mouth shut." Tara said smirking as the other looked at her with fake offense that she never said anything.

"How long did you know?" Ana asked the older woman smiling.

"I figured it out on the way home from the prison. When we found you and Morgan, I understood why David was panicked, but I couldn't understand why Spencer was shaking so bad. Until I saw him pull you in for a tight hug kissing your head after he got the handcuffs off you, plus he freaked on the plane when Derek said that the inmate wanted to rape you." She explained as the others thought back nodding, it was pretty obvious, now looking back.

"Why were you being chased in the first place, aren't you supposed to be chasing the bad guys?" Harry asked very confused by the story.

"The unsub was a child predator. He would kidnap little boys and after he assaulted them, he'd kill them. Daviana found the last child before the unsub could actually carry out his actions, we were in the woods so her first course of action was to take the little boy and run. She saved his life, no doubt if we would came 10 minutes later the little boy would have probably been dead." JJ explained as the family who weren't apart of the team and never saw the bad things shuddered with disgust.

"I'd taken the bullet for Benji. He was 8 years old and scared for his life, he just wanted to go back home to his parents and I was gonna make sure that happened." Ana said smiling proud of herself.

"So what are you going to do now that you're expecting?" Emily asked her as Chris turned looking at the couple surprised.

"You're having a baby?" he asked the couple who nodded.

"We're having twins, we just found out." Spencer said proudly.

"I'm still going to work and travel until I can't, then I can stay here and help Penny." She told them as they agreed with that course of action, enjoying their wedding together as a family.

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