𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚙 𝚗' 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖

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You walk up to the local coffee shop "Crisp n Cream" Written in colorful bold atop the quite popular establishment.

As you walk in you're greeted by the small bell chimes that let your presense be known to the employees, Useful for criminals up to no good.

After a the next few in line receive their respective orders you are at the front.

"Hi, Welcome to the Crisp n' Cream!, May I take your order?" The notably cute barista welcomed.

After the barista's signature establishment greeting, you replied "Yes, I'll have the Coffee n' Crispy Donuts Full Pack."

"Coming right up!" They wrote something in their travel sized notebook, Assumingly your order, And sauntered to the back of the shop.

"H-here you go, O-one Coffee n' Crispy Donuts Full Pack!" They stuttered out quickly.

"Thank yo-" You started.

"B-before you go!" The barista interjected.

"Can I maybe..I-if it isn't to much trouble of course!...Can I have your Number?" They finally got it out after a few failed attempts.

You slightly tilted your head to the side in confusion 'Why would they want my number?' You thought to yourself.

"N-not to be creepy or anything! You just seem like a really nice person a-and Your really pretty!" They blurted out mistaking your confusion for Concern.

"Wait that sounds creepy too.." Quickly Going over what they said.

You stood there in a mix of suprise, Confusion, And the slight urge to laugh at the young barista's silly panic.

"H-HERE, J-just take mine instead! Then you can just throw it away if you want!" They stuttered out and quickly shoved your food and drink along with their number in your arms, Soon Hiding what you assumed to be blush in the palms of their hands.

You blinked a few times and eventually looked down at the number to find slightly messy writing that read 'S/o's number' followed by the respective digits.

You looked back up to see the flustered barista still grimacing over their mistakes and Chuckled a bit 'Hmp Cute.' You thought.

"Thank you for coming to the Crispy n' Cream...Please come again...Or don't...It's fine." They dismissed with a sigh.

As you turned to walk away you spoke.

"Alright, Catch you later..S/o" And you left with that.

What you didn't see was a shocked look on their face followed by a wave of blush.

Wow..' Was all they thought.

"YOU DONE FLIRTING YET KID? I WANT MY COFFEE!" The next person in line yelled out impatiently.

"AH! Right of course!"

• ᴇxɪᴛ?  

• ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ? >

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