Gear Up: It's time for battle training!!

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{Hi!! I'm Y/n Tsukino! I'm 15 years old and I made it into UA high! As well as my best friend, Denki Kaminari. Today's I'll take my first trial battle... I hope it doesn't go to badly, heh heh... I am Lunar Lady and in the name of the moon...justice will be mine!}

[Third POV]



"Just great, another day of school" you said aloud as you slowly walked out of bed to get ready

Once you finished getting ready you went downstairs and saw a note on the fridge

'Hi honey! Have a great day at school, I have a business trip so I won't be home for the rest of the week. Food is in the fridge, love you!! ~Mom'

'I hope her trip goes well'  you thought

"Bye dad, see you after school!!" you shouted

"Bye Y/n, have a great day!!" he yelled back

{Time Skip}

You walked into the classroom and took your seat. You were greeted by Denki and Hagakure as they walked into the classroom. After about 5 minutes everybody was present, the teacher walked in and class started.

"Who can find the mistake in the following English sentence?" Present Mic asked

'Crap, I'm terrible at English!'  you thought, panicking

"Come on everybody!! Hands up, show me some spirit!!"

{Another Time Skip}

We had just eaten food personally made by the cooking hero, Lunch Rush. Now, it's time for afternoon classes.

"I'm coming through the door like a normal person!!" a voice boomed heartily

"Oh it's All Might" you said, like a normal person

"All Might!!!" said the class in an uproar

"Incredible, All Might's really going to teach us!!"

"That's his silver age costume, so retro!"

"Basic hero training! That's the class that'll put you through all sorts of training in order to mold you into better heroes!! No time to lolly-gag. Here's today's special event: Battle training!!

In accordance to the special request forms you sent in and 'quirk registry' you made before you were admitted..."



"Once you're finished changing gather in Ground Beta in ranking order!"


{As you can see, this is a time skip as well}

I walked out of the tunnel with a handful of my classmates to be greeted by the blinding sunlight, All Might and some of my classmates who had already finished.

"Now... shall we begin you bunch of newbies??" All Might asked while (somehow) keeping his mouth in a smile

"Hey, I like your costume... Tsukino was it?" said infinity girl

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