Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It's been a week since the whole Miguel thing resurrected itself. The court date for the DNA test was set, and now we were playing the waiting game.

It stressed Heidi more every day that goes by, and I wanted nothing more than to help her relax again.

When she went away to Las Vegas for a few days on a new modelling gig she had signed with Armani, I was glad. It meant the whole Miguel situation wouldn't solely consume her mind and she could relax, even if just for a little while.

It was now the eve of Christmas Eve, and Jamie's hosting the sleepover at her house. I had to beg and plead with Heidi to come with us. In the end, she accepted and we now found ourselves sprawled out on the floor in Jamie's overly pink basement.

"I have something to tell you all." Aria announced, laying on her back and staring at the panelled ceiling. Her dark hair spread out around her, making her head resemble some kind of flower with dark brown petals. "Daman and I broke up."

Jamie and I exchanged a worried look with each other. Slowly I could feel myself getting angry, but before I could even ask what happened, she continued speaking. "Almost two months now." She added.

"Blimey, Aria, and you're now telling us this? What happened?"

Aria shrugged with a smile as if the whole thing didn't bother her one bit. "I'm dating somebody else."

My eyes bulged at her, but she didn't see because she was busy stealing a glance at Foxx. "Wait, what?"

I didn't miss the smirk she gave Foxx as she quickly buried her head in her phone, trying hard to hide a smile of her own.

"Do you mind telling us who this person is that you're dating?" Jamie added, catching what transpired, too.

"Yes, my dearest sister, tell us."

A message dinged on Aria's phone then, which she read quickly, before a smile appeared on her face, making her eyes twinkle. She pushed away some hair from her face before she looked up at us again.

"Was that a message from them?" I heard myself ask before Jamie, Heidi and I all pounced towards her. She tugged her phone away, rolling herself into a protective ball to hide it.

"Foxx help!!"

Foxx cleared her throat, gaining all of our attention as she stood up from where she sat on the floor like a majestic being. Her fiery hair swayed gently in its flow to her waist, and her eyes only held Aria's. I watched as she tucked her phone away, still holding eye contact with Aria as she made her way towards us.

Aria's eyes held hers too until she was standing right before us. She made an upward gesture with her hands, a sly smile twisting her lips as she did. "Alright, get off before you crush her."

I stared at her incredulously as my mouth fell opened and my eyes found Aria. She blushed profusely as she tucked her dark hair away once more.

"No way." I heard Jamie said, taking the words right out of my mouth.

Heidi was the last one to recover from her shock. "You are dating my sister?" she pointed from Foxx to Aria. "Aria, you're into girls?"

"Aria is into me." Foxx answered with her usual confidence.

"Aww, she's gay for you." Jamie chimed in. "But seriously, am I the only one who noticed that Foxx had a crush on Aria? Since tenth grade."

"Yes," Foxx answered.

Heidi shook her head, her brows knitting up as she thought. "Weren't you dating Carter?"

Foxx frowned, her mouth opening to answer, but Aria beat her to it. "No, she wasn't."

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