Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Danica’s P.O.V

I swallowed and stared back at her while my fingers were firm against the softest part of her skin. She was still moist and warm and I knew it wasn’t from the hot tub. That knowledge excited me, and before I could devise my next thought, my fingers were moving against her. Feeling her.

I watched her closely, noting the way her eyes slowly fluttered closed and her hands gripping the counter.

“You, okay?” I asked. “Should I stop?”

She shook her head, and her hands released the edge of the counter to lock around my neck. Our faces came together until our foreheads touch while I guided her onto the countertop. She spread her legs for me, inviting me to continue pleasing her, so I did.

“I’m going to try something,” I told her, slowly slipping a finger inside. “If you don’t like it, just say the words and we’ll stop, okay?”

She nodded, and so I continued. I went slow and gentle at first, willing her to adjust to me, and she did. It was like destiny with her. Everything about us fit perfectly, including all that was happening at this moment. I believed without a doubt that we're meant for each other. Like two missing puzzle pieces finding their ways back together again.

It felt like that whenever she would kiss me, gosh, now it felt like we completed the puzzle. All the pieces we together now. Her lips being on mine and our bodies being mended together as if we were one.

It was spectacular, and I wanted more.

I separated us to lead her to her room, guiding her into the comfort of her bed. I had got so used to sharing her bed over the past few weeks and I enjoyed waking up to her in the morning after. But I don’t think I’d ever get used to what we were about to do.

I looked down at her laying against the sheets. Her hair wasn’t wet, but it wasn’t dry either and it spread out around her in a way all too beautiful to be authentic. Her watchful eyes never left my face as I made my way over her. She caressed my face. “Are you going to make me have to beg, Ms Harper?”

“Will you?” I asked, a little too excited.

“I’ll say please.”

“That works. Alexa, dim the lights.” I said, my voice still seductive, and it drove her crazy. “And play soft music.”

“How romantic,” she murmured as her long, dainty fingers traced a path along my cheekbone.

“I try,” I answered as my hands travel over her body, pushing away the towel completely until she was bare. Her skin was soft as silk and smooth as butter.

So many times, I’ve dreamt about touching her, and now I was finally doing that. I was beyond excited, yet very nervous. On my journey over her body, I discovered something. A scar.

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