Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

We finally made it to the canteen and ordered food. It seemed to take us half of our break time to get there. I knew that was my fault for pulling that little stunt in the hallway.

Of course, I got there before Heidi. She took a few minutes to collect herself after what happened, then she met me at our usual table. Her face was still flushed bright red, and she refused to meet my eyes. I found it amusing since she was the one that said she wasn’t the least bit affected by me.

I took a bite of my hotdog and watched her as she picked at her salad. “Eat up Sánchez, don’t want to be late for your solo.” I teased.

She glanced up at me through her lashes, almost giving me a heart attack, but I played it cool and kept smiling. “Shut up.”

I grinned. “Oh, come on, don’t tell me that little kiss bothers you so much. I thought you weren’t the least bit attracted to me.”

She blushed again and looked away. “You didn’t have to prove me wrong.”

“I had to,” I assured her as I ate the last bit of my hot dog.

“Don’t worry. Next time I’ll be ready for you.”

I almost spit up my food. A chuckle escaped me as I raised a brow at her. “Who said there will be a next time?”

She cocked her head to the side as if thinking about it, then a smirk crept onto her face. Standing up, she placed her palms against the table and leaned forward towards me. Her eyes flickered back and forth between my lips and my eyes. “I say, Harper. Unfair game has to be played twice.”

I looked down at my tray, making my hair fall between us. Her words made my body hot again and kept my heart rate at a constant high. What was I thinking playing with her like that? I should’ve expected that she would poke back.

I looked back up at her, desperate to break the tension between us. I needed to take this back to “friendly” but even as I attempted to do that, the feeling that we could never go back to that level worried me.

“So, who’s here?” I asked her. My question caught her off guard, and she had to think about it.

“Mum, Tyler, Amelia, Henry, Aria.”

Henry and Amelia. Well, those are names I’ve never heard before but I didn’t ask about them. I’ll get to meet them, anyway.

“Seems like things are better with your mom.” I noticed. One time, when she spoke of her mother, there was so much sadness and resentment. Now, something else replaced it… mutual respect?

“Yeah.” she tucked her hair behind both her ears. It made her face stood out, and her eyes shone brighter. I felt a sudden urge to caress her cheeks, just to feel the softness of her skin again, but I couldn’t. I had already done too much and I couldn’t risk doing anything else I wasn’t ready for.

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