Chapter 6:~The dark hunters~

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Elvira woke up the next morning to the sun and Moonlight whining worriedly. And Elvira sat up and saw orcs coming closer,
"Kill her! Kill her she-elf!," An orc yelled in blackish.
And Elvira quickly got on Moonlight and rode away into the dark woods.

She stopped in the middle of the woods, there was no way to escape and she could hear the orcs coming closer.

And suddenly, a dragonfly showed up in front of her, "Fallow me, princess. I know a place you'll be safe,"The dragonfly whispered. And the dragonfly lead her to a swamp,
"I will tell you in which order you shall jump on the stones. Your horse can just run over the water to the other side. If you don't listen to me, you get burned," And Elvira fallowed the dragonfly's instructions and was soon on the other side of the swamp.

Suddenly, the orcs showed up,
"Let her go! There's no way she survives against The dark hunters! Slayer will kill her! She'll be dead by tomorrow!," And they run away.

Elvira couldn't hear what the orc said and she turned to the dragonfly, "Thank you for your help," "You're welcome, Princess," The dragonfly said, "Just be careful," And the dragonfly flew away.

Elvira walked through the dark woods. It was unusually quiet. She made sure so she had her white knife ready.
Suddenly, she heard moving in the trees above her. And she swallowed as she felt her fear grow, "Hello? Someone there?," No answer. And she continued walking through the woods.

Suddenly, an arrow was fired against her and hit the tree just beside her. And three people jumped down from the trees and surrounded her.

And a man with dark brown hair and green eyes and dressed in black stepped forward. He had bow and arrows on his back and a sword in his black tunic,
"An elleth in our woods! They believe they own everything these days," And a woman stepped forward, "She seems lost, big brother," And The man turned to his sister, "We bring her to Slayer. He'll decide what to do with her," And Elvira swallowed as the man grabbed her weapons and tied her hands in a rope,
"Walk elf!," The man said as he pushed her forward and the woman grabbed Moonlight's reins and lead her away.

The man held Elvira hard by the arm.
"Oh no, I'm doomed,"Elvira thought.

They arrived to a camp, and a man with black short hair and blue eyes, dressed in black fighting leather clothes stepped out of a tent and he took out a white knife,
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A worthless little stupid elleth, thinking she can walk through my territories without being caught," And The man took down his hood,
"You're a human!,"Elvira said surprised.
"A human!?,"The man exclaimed insulted, "I'm no ordinary human, worthless elleth! I'm a Vitera! A son of the Vitera's line! We're immortal humans! I'm the last of my kind thanks to your kin! Your grandfather hunted us down and killed every of my line except me! I survived! I've been forced to hide underground for 2000 years!," And Elvira noticed the pointed ears on his companions,
"You're elves!," And The other man stepped forward, "I'm no elf, little girl! I'm half Leclitra! Me and my sister's father was a human! Our Leclitra part makes us immortal! But why would a elf care about our kind!? You elves always think you're mightier than us! We're just as important as you!," "Ethan, that's enough!," His sister Shaylee interrupted, "Master, what shall we do with her?," The man with black hair stepped forward, "Who are you, little girl!? Where do you come from!?," And he held his knife against her neck.

Elvira swallowed, "Mirkwood!," She exclaimed, trying to hide her fear, "I'm The Daughter of King Legolas Thrandulion, Greenleaf! The Saviour!," And The man smiled wickedly, "The child of Legolas!? We all know Mirkwood has fallen into the hands of The witch! If you are the one you say, don't count that your parents are alive," And Elvira felt tears streaming down her cheeks. The leader smiled wickedly, "We'll take her with us back to our lair! There's surly someone evil wizard or human who would give us a great deal of money for us," And he turned to walk into his tent again.
"You say you're part Leclitra!,"Elvira shouted at the siblings, "But if you act like this!, then you're no better than my grandfather or the witch!," And Ethan turned to her, "You have no idea of what I've been through!," And he crawled up the right sleeve on his shirt and revealed his burn mark from chains, "This is what your grandfather's guards did to me. Why would you be any different?! Why would your father be any different!?,"

And Elvira looked up at him sadly, "What happened to you was wrong! But it doesn't mean what you're doing now is right!," And Ethan grabbed her and pushed her to the ground at the fire,
"Stay here! Or I'll make sure you'll suffer," And he went into the tent.

Elvira looked up at the stars and slowly started crying.

"What do you mean you don't want to sell her!?," Ethan exclaimed. And The leader Slayer looked up at his friend, "She's not like the others. She's hiding something. We will take her to our nest as our prisoner. I think we have more use for her then any other would have," And Shaylee smiled, "Yeah, he's right brother, this elleth is special. She can be of good use to us against the witch,"
"Aidan, you can't be serious!,"Ethan protested, "She's The granddaughter of The Elven King who murdered your parents!," "It doesn't make her the same!,"Aidan exclaimed angrily, "If she does one thing to anger us, I'll kill her myself! Agreed!?," And Ethan sighed, "Yeah, you're right," And Shaylee smiled, "Let's see how our little princess is feeling," And they went out the tent.

They went over to see the young elleth sitting at the fire, crying.
"I'm sorry, adar, please forgive me, I've failed you and is now prisoner to some kind of evil hunters!," And she looked up at the sky, "I promised myself I would defeat the witch and free middle earth and always keep hope up. But I can't anymore! I lost hope!,"

And Aidan swallowed and turned to Ethan, "She's a victim to the witch too. She may not be as we thought she was," And Ethan turned to him, "Don't let her fool you before you get to know her. We know nothing about this girl! She can just be waiting to plan her escape! And then send her father's guards against us!,"

Shaylee went over to Elvira and sat down beside her, "What happened to you?," "Why do you care!? You said yourselves, you hate elves!," Elvira cried. And Ethan stepped forward, "Shaylee, don't care about her! She won't tell us anything anyway!," And Shaylee looked up at her brother, "Can't you see she's hurting!? Something terrible must have happened in Mirkwood where she's from! If you want to keep her as a prisoner, we better get her to tell us what happened if we don't want her to fade from grief!," And Ethan and Aidan sat down beside Elvira on her right side.

Shaylee placed a hand on the elleth's shoulder, "I don't think your parents would want you to fade from grief even if they aren't alive," And Elvira swallowed. "Please, tell us what happened,"Shaylee said. And Elvira swallowed, "My father had arranged a meeting to talk about the witch who was hunting and hurting my aunt in her dreams. My aunt is The Queen of The Light Kingdom and dragons. Just when the meeting had started, the witch broke into the hall with her shapeshifter guards. My father told me to run and I did. I left my parents, not even knowing if I would ever see them again. All I know is that I'm the only one with magic powerful enough to defeat her. But my powers are unpredictable and I barely know how to use them,"

And Aidan sighed, "You may be our prisoner, but we're not heartless. Here," And he gave her something to eat and drink, "You will need it! We keep moving tomorrow!," And he turned to Ethan, "Tie her against the tree over there when she's finished. Not entirely bound against it. Just bind her in a longer rope that is tied to the tree," "Of course, master,"Ethan said and glanced angrily at Elvira, not completely sure that she was telling them the truth.

And Aidan went into his tent and ordered Shaylee to come with him.

Ethan grabbed Elvira's arm in a hard grip and dragged her over to the tree where he took out a knife to lose the ropes around her wrists only to tie them up in another longer rope that he tied to a branch that was lying low.
"It may be a cold night, you may need this!," And he threw her a blanket before he also went into the tent.

Elvira glanced at Moonlight who was bound with their horses. And she leaned against the tree, and cried herself to sleep.

(The witch's lair)

Elora woke up in a cell with chains around her wrists that was tied to the stone wall in the cell. And suddenly, the witch showed up at the cell door, "Comfortable?," She asked wickedly, "Sleep! Tomorrow, you and I shall have some fun!," And she left and Elora swallowed, hoping her family was okay.

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